Young Woman Possibly Becomes Victim of the Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders After Disappearance. Where Is Jeannette Kamahele?

Yasmin Scherrer
3 min readDec 9, 2022

Known to hitchhike, 20-year-old Jeannette Kamahele disappeared after attempting to get a ride to attend classes at university. 50 years later, and her whereabouts are a mystery, although she may have been a serial killer’s victim.

She Would Never Simply Disappear

Jeannette Kamahele was a Hawaiian who graduated from Yokohama American High School in Japan in 1970.

Two years later, she attended Santa Rosa Junior College as a young 20-year-old student. By all accounts, she was diligent with her academics and had no reason to vanish without a warning. So why did it happen?

Wanted to Hitchhike to Her Classes

Jeannette lived in Cotati, California with another roommate, about eight miles from university. And she was in the regular habit of hitchhiking to her classes.

On the morning of April 25, 1972 she did exactly the same. It was about 9:30AM when she was last seen by her roommate. She headed out to Highway 101, which would lead directly to college.

It was planned that a friend should pick her up, but another driver picked Jeannette up before that could happen, according to The Charley Project. And the person who ended up as her driver may have also been her killer.



Yasmin Scherrer

Writer from Switzerland • Diploma in journalism and editing • Crime, Health, History • Also on Medium: @zeitgeister