“My Journey into Coding: From HTML & CSS to JavaScript”

Yatharth giri
2 min readOct 29, 2023


Start with learning HTML & CSS phase

I was start to write code in mobile on Replit app which is recommended by codewithharry and i was like wow what is this because everything looks easy because the period when we learning basics of HTML & CSS it feels like honeymoon period.

Javascript phase and value of a good mentor:

But after a month when I reach to javascript I start asking question to myself why I am choose to learn code? This is not made for me! and all.
then I told these thing to my big brother and also my mentor Anish kumar Giri he told me that everybody passed with these type of problems. And he give me some motivation and advice to face these problem easily.
he told me do code everyday , start reading and witting blogs it helps to improve skills , study atleast 8 to 10 hrs in a day, and also more things.

I feel In my journey of learning HTML,CSS & Javascript there is a big hand of my mentor to make my journey easy. And that”s why I’m done with the HTML,CSS & Javascript.

This is my first blog on medium so tell me my mistakes so i will improve it in next one and if you like it then share.
Thanks for being there!

