Getting Started as an iOS Developer

Timi Stark
3 min readAug 7, 2022


Hi all! Let’s get acquainted. My name is Tommy and I am an iOS Software Engineer.
This is my first post on the Medium, and here I want to give you some ideas for the first pet projects in your portfolio (the same projects are usually given by employers as a test project to look at the quality of the code you write).

Project types:
1) Weather application. You can use any public free weather API like Make display of current weather, hourly forecast and weather forecast list for the next 5–7 days. You can also make a list with the search for cities (autocomplete) and when you click on a city, display it on the main screen. As a bonus, you can add a map screen and make it possible to select any place (city) and display its weather on the main screen.

2) Image display application. This is a very popular test task for beginner developers. Also take any public api, for example Make the main screen display a list of photos and search by name. Here you can also add local saving of pictures and displaying it on a separate screen (for example, as favorites on Instagram). Also make a photo details screen where you can display the author info and enlarged photo (you can add zoom etc if you like).

What do you need to know to make these applications?

  1. You need to be able to use Google correctly, because 99% of problems and their solutions are already on the Internet. We are all human :)
    2. Write comments to your code (MARK, TODO, etc.)
    3. Use new technologies:
  • Swift code (Objective-C is already deprecated)
  • Write UI code (learn how to use a storyboard), but most of the time you will be writing code. To do this, master the autolayout and the SnapKit library.
  • To display photos (via the link), you can use the popular Kingfisher or SDWebImage library.
  • Learn how UITableView and UICollectionView work to display a list.
  • For local data storage, use CoreData or Realm. If you need to use secret data use KeyChain for not so secret UserDefaults too.

From this day on, I start writing articles for iOS developers to facilitate and improve your learning.

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Timi Stark

iOS Engineer 👨🏻‍💻 💎 Don't forget to subscribe Youtube my channel ❤️