7 AI Tools that Will Make you RICH (in 2024)

4 min readFeb 5, 2024


Job Disruption:

AI’s rapid growth threatens to replace 800 million jobs within the next six years. In May of the current year alone, AI directly replaced 3,900 jobs, signaling a shift towards automation and efficiency. However, the video suggests that the real threat to jobs isn’t AI itself, but individuals leveraging AI tools to excel in their fields.

Video Translation and Generation:

  • Tools like H Jen and Pika Art are revolutionizing video content creation by facilitating language translation and generating high-quality video clips in various styles. H Jen, for instance, translates videos into multiple languages, expanding creators’ audience reach and potentially increasing AdSense revenue, sponsorships, and sales. Pika Art, still in beta, promises advancements in video generation, including realistic animations and extended canvases, indicating a surge in video content’s versatility and appeal.

AI in Art:

  • The video highlights the burgeoning field of AI-generated art, which includes creating and selling digital art such as stickers, portraits, and prints. Tools like Mid Journey and DALL-E offer artists the ability to generate unique artworks, opening up new revenue streams through online sales. Platforms like Free Flow further enhance this by simplifying the use of AI art generators, allowing for the creation of themed collections for sale.

Website Development:

  • AI is simplifying website creation, reducing the time and cost traditionally associated with developing web pages. AI-driven platforms like 10web can generate fully functional, aesthetically pleasing websites within minutes, based on minimal input. This acceleration in web development is poised to revolutionize the industry, making digital presence more accessible for businesses and enhancing web development services.

AI in Coding:

  • Tools that convert screenshots to code, such as Screenshot to Code, are making software development more accessible. They allow for rapid prototyping and development, reducing the barrier to entry for non-coders and streamlining the creation process for developers. These advancements suggest a future where software development is less intimidating and more inclusive.

E-Commerce and Print on Demand:

  • AI is transforming the print on demand and e-commerce sectors by enabling rapid design creation for products. Platforms like Printify leverage AI to facilitate the design and sale of customized products, from t-shirts to mugs, without upfront costs. This model offers a viable business opportunity, capitalizing on the efficiency of AI to meet consumer demands for unique, personalized products.

Potential for Wealth Creation:

  • Despite the displacement of jobs, the video argues that AI presents unparalleled opportunities for wealth creation. By engaging with AI tools across video content creation, art, web development, coding, and e-commerce, individuals can establish lucrative businesses. The key to success lies in adapting to AI advancements and leveraging these tools to innovate and excel in various industries.

What strategies can individuals employ to leverage AI for career advancement and wealth creation?

Embrace AI in Existing Fields:

Rather than viewing AI as a threat, individuals should embrace these technologies in their current professions. By integrating AI tools into their work processes, professionals can enhance efficiency, improve the quality of their output, and offer innovative solutions that differentiate them from competitors. For example, content creators can use AI for language translation or generating high-quality video content, opening up new markets and revenue streams.

Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Staying informed about the latest AI developments and acquiring new skills related to these technologies are crucial. Platforms offering online courses on AI applications in various industries can help individuals stay ahead of the curve. Learning how to use AI tools not only for routine tasks but also for creative and strategic purposes can lead to new opportunities.

Diversify Income Sources: The video suggests exploring AI’s potential in various sectors such as art, video production, web development, and e-commerce. By diversifying their engagement with different AI tools and platforms, individuals can create multiple income streams. For instance, artists can sell AI-generated art online, while entrepreneurs can use AI to enhance e-commerce platforms or develop innovative web solutions.

Entrepreneurial Ventures: AI opens up new avenues for entrepreneurial ventures by lowering the barriers to entry in many fields. For example, AI can automate aspects of web development, making it easier to start a digital business with minimal technical knowledge. Individuals can leverage AI to identify market gaps, create unique offerings, and efficiently scale their operations.

Network and Collaborate: Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals and professionals exploring AI can provide valuable insights, partnership opportunities, and exposure to new projects. Networking can lead to collaborative ventures where the combined expertise can unlock novel applications of AI technologies.

Ethical and Sustainable Use of AI: As individuals explore AI for wealth creation, it’s important to consider the ethical implications of these technologies. Focusing on sustainable and responsible use of AI ensures long-term success and contributes to positive societal impact.

