A Lone Tethered Subject : Daily Doodle Dose

2 min readJan 10, 2020


“okay so what do we have here now this piece really inhibits an entire mood its a rather lonesome mood but one nonetheless you have a single subject that is reaching lurching towards this area that is just beyond bu for as close as it is it is hidden and removed from the sight of the subject which really adds the lonesome aesthetic as the subject is surrounded by an entire abyss of black there is nothing else in sight aside from what the subject is tethered to and it seems that this tethering is the only thing prohibiting it from reaching this area that it so desperately is just pushing towards the entire being seems to be stretched and a being that is quite basic really the only reason it qualifies as being a being is because it has an eye it has some sort of perspective and that really is this piece that perspective is the piece that’s the mood”

“Daily Doodle Dose” provides a look into the progression of an artist and artworks, whilst the artist commentates providing insight and personal interpretations. This series pertains to several pieces of art that span several themes, aesthetics and associations.This was the first series to be produced and published under the Yaughdeady brand. It has since become Yaughdeady’s flagship series spearheaded by Andrew Dieu Solaman with beats by andywaterfalls and Thumbnails by Chainsfx.

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