Bad Map : Daily Doodle Dose

2 min readJan 25, 2020


“okay so what do we have here now there’s four distinct but separate and rather weird or oddly shaped shapes with weird protrusions-y shapes one on each side of the paper and they are split by this blue block of color the way that the blue sort of envelopes the space that’s not the figure really gives it this sense of a river the way a river cuts through land and the greens different shades and the different shades of the green really reinforce this idea after the green has made its way this really does give me the idea or is reminiscent of a map that is zoomed way out and is depicting four separate continents or maybe a little bit more zoomed in and its four islands all i know is i wouldn’t really be too keen to us this map door any sort of navigation”

“Daily Doodle Dose” provides a look into the progression of an artist and artworks, whilst the artist commentates providing insight and personal interpretations. This series pertains to several pieces of art that span several themes, aesthetics and associations.This was the first series to be produced and published under the Yaughdeady brand. It has since become Yaughdeady’s flagship series spearheaded by Andrew Dieu Solaman with beats by andywaterfalls and Thumbnails by Chainsfx.

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