Yavuz Selim Hasturk
2 min readJan 17, 2024

In software development processes, effective management of errors that occur at various stages is critical to the success of the project. In this context, the notion of “bug triage” which is defined as the process of classifying, prioritizing, and resolving errors encountered in software testing, offers significant advantages to development teams.

The word “triage” comes from a Latin root and means “to sort”. It refers to the careful evaluation and classification of errors detected in software testing based on specific criteria. This process empowers team members to rank these errors by considering the severity, impact, reproducibility and other factors of the errors. This comprehensive assessment process provides guidance in identifying the errors that require priority resolution among the many errors in a project.

The bug triage process assist the software development team to effectively manage their time and resources. Because every error hasn’t the same priority level, this process makes it possible to prioritize errors that will contribute the most to the overall goals of the project. This allows the development team to resolve urgent situations more quickly and carry out planning stages more efficiently.

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Bug Triage Strengthens Communication and Collaboration

Particularly in large projects, coordination and collaboration between multiple teams is essential. The bug triage process makes it easier to agree on a common priority list between different teams. This also strengthens communication and increases collaboration between teams, allowing errors to be resolved more quickly and effectively.

Contribution to Customer Satisfaction

Bug triage not only contributes to internal team dynamics, but also has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Prioritizing the most critical errors allows users to experience the core functionality more smoothly. This increases customer satisfaction, which has a positive impact on the overall success of the project.

Organic Relationship between Bug Triage and Software Testing

Bug triage is a natural extension of the software testing process. Errors detected in the testing stages are reported by the test team and communicated to the development team. The development team initiates the bug triage process to address these errors and generate solutions. This strengthens the software development process by creating a loop that supports continuous improvement.

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Bug triage should be considered as a fundamental dynamic in the software development process. Effective management of errors is an important factor that determines project success. Therefore, software development teams should pay attention to the bug triage process and implement this process regularly. This is a critical step in improving the quality of software, ensuring customer satisfaction, and strengthening the overall success of the project.

