The 1000 Cock Stare

General Patriarchy
5 min readJan 5, 2018


She’s not actually into you; it’s just that cameras make her horny

➢Okay, so maybe she doesn’t do it all the time. But when she wants to get something from a guy, she flirts a little bit to get him to play nice. Or when she’s with her girlfriends taking selfies she sports a permanent duck lip. Or maybe her “sexy date night” lipstick is identical to her regular lipstick —

Maybe you tell yourself it’s okay, but deep down you know it’s not. You know it means something, but you don’t know how to describe it or what to do about it. There’s just something about it, and you can’t put it into words, but you sure as hell know what it looks like when you see her photos on social sites.

We call it the Thousand Cock Stare.

The Thousand Cock Stare isn’t so much about the action itself, but what the action signifies. There’s a trope that’s been around for a long time, signifying what could be considered the masculine preference for sexuality in his woman: “A woman should be a lady in the streets, and a freak in the sheets.”

Some cultures take this even farther by removing any ability for the woman to demonstrate her sexuality to the world, keeping it exclusively for their husbands. Putting aside the ethics of where the slide should be on the cosmic scale of feminine modesty, most men don’t like their women throwing their sexuality around, just as most women don’t like men giving away their personal power.

“It’s not like I’m going out and fucking guys to get what I want…” — Great. He doesn’t want you to pretend like you’re willing to, either.

You can measure the appearance of the stare over time. Take for instance, the actress Lily Collins.

In the first photo, she looks beautiful, and innocent. Sure, a man might look at that and still want to take her in a manly fashion, but her being sexually beautiful isn’t all that she is — she isn’t defined by it. Now to the second picture: she looks like she wants to shove you into the nearest closet and do all sorts of nasty, and she hasn’t even met you yet.

Except she isn’t looking like that at you. No, that look is for the camera, which means that she’s doing that for everyone.

What that means is that she’s fundamentally changed the way in which she approaches and presents herself to the world. In the former picture, Lily is beautiful, but that’s not what she’s selling you on. In the latter picture, her eye shadow, cleavage, and lipstick is the first — and last — thing she wants you to remember. Her sexuality isn’t just being flaunted, it’s her primary bargaining chip.

When young girls start to mature into women, they gradually realize their “sexuality”… that they are desired, that their appearance and body has an effect on people, and that this has persuasive power. The majority of women by the time they are in their late teens, and even earlier than that, have very clearly keyed in on the power of the “seductive stare.”

They are in a state of maturation where they are learning that they can be sexy/be perceived as sexy; there is a level of discomfort and unfamiliarity with this as well.

That said, I believe it is reasonable to say that most teenage girls do NOT want to overtly sexualize themselves, as this draws uncomfortable attention (and gets you branded a slut/whore by other women, which is social reputation suicide).

They’ll play at it, but its not their way of being… from time to time they will play at looking and acting “sexy”, but this a role that is being adopted, its rarely how they comfortably feel or behave as a normal mode of behavior. its playing a part, and not something they have real experience with at all. The seductive stare that a young woman puts on is NOT the same as the resting “harlot face” that you see in older, jaded women. -Alexander Cortes

There are a lot of telltale signs:

  • head tilted down to indicate submission
  • soft-lidded eyes (partially closed to mimic arousal)
  • red lipstick and blush to indicate sexual arousal
  • lip bite, partially open lips, or the infamous “duck lips”
  • head tilted to the side to expose the neck
  • exposed cleavage
  • hips jutting out to emphasize an hourglass figure

This isn’t an exhaustive list, nor is it a checklist to tick off. Humans are far better at reading body language intuitively than they are at logically checking a list, so the rough method of telling is the most accurate:

In her selfies, does it look like she wants to fuck the camera?

“If a woman comes to regard her sexuality as a readily tradable commodity, and her mode of interacting to get what she wants becomes reliant upon on her seductive/sexual persona, there arises the phenomena of the constant usage of the seductive stare (the 1000 cock stare as it’s notoriously referred to).

The seductive stare starts to become her default mode of presentation, as it is the most powerful way of getting what she wants is trading attraction/seductive persuasion.

This does not mean a woman literally sleeps with every man she encounters, that’s not the point. The point is that their way of being is grounded solely in their physical attraction/sexual persuasion, and not much else. You can see this come out in their demeanor, which is the “fuck me” eye look that’s been identified.

You are in essence witnessing the phenomena of the Jezebel persona, writ large scale.

- Alexander Cortes

THAT is the Thousand Cock Stare.

But why does it matter?

It matters because it signifies that her sexuality is no longer sacred to her. It is no longer something to be shared with another human being with whom she’s willing to risk pregnancy, it is now something to engage in when she wants favors, or special treatment, or any host of things.

If your girl has the Thousand Cock Stare, her sexuality isn’t just being shared with you, it’s being shared with the populous at large — and if you’re very lucky, it’s ONLY her looks that are being shared with everyone else.

One last example:

The pixie haircut is a whole different conversation


Credit to Alexander JA Cortes for the insight. You can find him on twitter at or his fitness blog at, where he discusses fitness, success, and culture.

