Timeline of Fucked Up News: February 2018

Ryan Grove
11 min readMar 1, 2018


In 2018 I began keeping a log of fucked up news stories in an effort to avoid becoming accustomed to how fucked up everything is. This is the log for February.

You may also be interested in the log for January or the log for March.

American flag at half-staff. Photo by Jacob Stone on Unsplash.

February 1

February 2

February 3

February 5

February 6

February 7

February 8

February 9

February 11

February 12

February 13

February 14

  • A shooter kills 17 people and injures 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida using a legally purchased AR-15 style assault rifle. Students tweet about the shooting in real time while hiding under their desks. Republicans offer thoughts and prayers.
  • Raphael Sanchez, chief counsel for the ICE office in Seattle, allegedly stole the identities of immigrants and used them to defraud major financial institutions. He later pleaded guilty to the charge.
  • Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin’s chief of staff doctored an email and made false statements to justify using government funds to cover expenses for Shulkin’s wife on a 10-day trip to Europe. Shulkin himself improperly accepted Wimbledon tickets. Shulkin is one of five Trump appointees whose travel expenses are being investigated.

February 15

  • Former White House strategist Steve Bannon refuses to answer most questions posed to him by the House Intelligence Committee under subpoena, claiming the White House had not authorized him to answer those questions. The committee is considering charging him with contempt.
  • Trump’s inaugural committee paid $26 million to an event planning company that was formed a month before the inauguration by an adviser to Melania Trump.
  • The White House’s FY 2019 budget request, released two days before the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, proposed cutting funds for school violence prevention programs and mental health aid.

February 16

February 18

February 19

February 20

  • A Maryland student brought a loaded Glock 9mm handgun to school. After a school resource officer found it in his bag, police searched his home and found an AR-15 style assault rifle, more handguns, tactical vests, and a possible detonator device.
  • VA Secretary David Shulkin announces he will “purge” the VA of people who have led a “subversion” against him, less than a week after an inspector general report (see February 14) revealed he had accepted an improper gift and that his chief of staff had lied and doctored an email to justify improper use of government funds for travel expenses incurred by Shulkin’s wife.

February 21

February 22

February 23

  • Former Trump deputy campaign manager Rick Gates pleads guilty to conspiracy against the United States and lying to the FBI. He is also charged with bank fraud, money laundering, and failing to register as a foreign agent. Gates joined the Trump campaign in June 2016 and remained through the election and inauguration.
  • Jared Kushner’s security clearance still hasn’t been finalized, possibly because he keeps amending his disclosure forms to add previously undisclosed foreign contacts and financial information.
  • Measles cases in Europe have quadrupled in the past year, killing at least 35 children. Anti-vaccine movements have resulted in lower vaccination rates, allowing the disease to spread more easily.
  • Trump has officially directed the Department of Defense to organize a military parade to take place on Veterans Day in Washington D.C.

February 24

  • Bernie Sanders has been spreading a false story about his campaign sharing information with the Clinton campaign about suspected Russian trolls.
  • Trump Organization executives are physically resisting efforts by a Panama hotel owners’ association to evict them from a hotel after canceling their management contract. In addition to blocking the hotel owners’ team from entering parts of the building, the Trump team has been observed shredding documents.

February 25

February 26

  • Despite Trump’s promises that the Republican tax cut would encourage US companies to invest in factories, workers, and wages, companies are instead buying back their own stock shares at record levels, enriching investors but doing little for average Americans.
  • The Trump Organization has begun paying the U.S. Treasury to compensate for hotel profits from foreign officials, but won’t disclose the amounts of the payments, the transactions being compensated for, or the foreign governments involved.

February 27

February 28

