Yazel Makanse
2 min readApr 29, 2021


I have a mansion, I drive a beautiful car, I wear expensive clothes, those are but a few sentiments that one would use if they feel that they are successful in life. But what does it take to be successful or unsuccessful?

To be successful doesn't mean having expensive things. Many people have had mansion,car and expensive close but today they are broke. They were influential but today no one pays attention to what they say all because they are not successful.
Therefore what's the difference between being successful and unsuccessful?
Both successful and unsuccessful people given the same opportunity, resources one will fail and the other one will succeed. Therefore our attitude toward our situation will determine our being successful or not.
Unsuccessful people lack personal alignment and congruence and this is the major reason for their failure. Someone thinks and desire ones thing but acts in opposition to their desire.

Self deception is another reason for failure, this is when you know what must be done but you do the opposite. When you do the right thing with wrong intentions , success will not be attained.

Successful people are aligned and congruent. This means that they are the same at all levels. They are ready to receive what they desire, they work according to their desires. They are never betrayed by their beliefs. To succeed, your thinking and actions must be aligned. You can't desire to be wealthy while you have poverty tendencies, like spending careless and remaining in debts because of borrowing.
In your road to success, attitude is very important. Failures should be used to our advantage, use them as stepping stones towards success because failure will always be there as a lesson. How we react to our failures is what will determine the kind of the person we are.
Therefore get congruent. Don't be your own enemy, be sure that what you believe and desire are in alignment with your actions and attitude. To be successfully wealthy think wealth and behave as a wealthy person.