[研究所推甄心得] 2022 資工所

18 min readDec 19, 2022


photo by lightblue_gravity

(備審資料撰寫日期:2022/10/07) 今年研究所推薦甄試大致在 11 月底至 12 月初放榜,總結來說今年報名人數相較往年有顯著的上升,因此需要更高的系排 % 數或更豐富的經歷,才得以獲得相同校系的正取資格,然而這也導致了歷屆的推甄經驗有些微幅度的失準,為了給予有意願推甄的同學們參考依據,筆者把 2022 年推甄資工所的經歷、背景、準備心得等整理成此文章。


  1. 背景
  2. 推甄結果
  3. 資料準備
  4. 面試心得
  5. 範例:自傳
  6. 範例:報考動機
  7. 範例:學習計畫
  8. 範例:研究計畫
  9. 備審資料模板



  • 國立彰化師範大學 資工系大四(班排 1/49)
  • CPE 專業級
  • 多益 935 分



  • 2021 大專校院機電暨智慧創意實作創新競賽 入圍決賽
  • 2021 第 26 屆 大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽 入圍決賽
  • 2021 全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽 (人工智慧及其應用組) 最佳創新獎


  • 110 年度科技部補助研究計畫兼任助理,計畫編號 110–2221-E-018–002
  • 110 學年度普通型高級中等學校 數理及資訊學科能力競賽評審委員
  • 2020 年中區大專院校程式設計競賽評審委員
  • 2021 年中區大專院校程式設計競賽主辦人
  • NCUE Google 學生開發者社群 (GDSC) 成員
  • 數堂網路課程助教、校內資訊工讀生


  1. 台大資工所 落榜
  2. 交大資工所 正取 (已報到)
  3. 清大資工所 備取一
  4. 成大資工所 正取 67
  5. 中央資工所 正取
  6. 中興資工所 正取一 (逕取)


  • 8 月 ~ 9 月:整理獎狀、證書等資料
  • 9 月 ~ 9 月中:撰寫個人履歷、自傳、讀書計畫、專題說明、研究計畫
  • 9 月中 ~ 9 月底:推甄簡章於 9 月中後公佈,針對簡章整理各校備審資料
  • 9 月底 ~ 10 月初:寄送備審資料、請指導教授撰寫推薦函
  • 10 月中 ~ 10 月底:了解目標校系教授研究領域與實驗室研究風氣,準備面試
  • 11 月初:面試、等待放榜
  • 11 月中:放榜並報到,儘早與研究所教授面談並確定實驗室


資工所相較於其他系所,需要面試的學校佔少數,以下說明為成大面試流程。總共面試時長為七分鐘,前四分鐘為自我介紹,後三分鐘為教授提問 (若教授對於經歷或研究計畫較有興趣可能會超時)。

自我介紹部分,時間大致分割如下:2 分鐘介紹個人經歷,1 分鐘介紹專題以及論文成果,1 分鐘說明研究計畫。





自大二開始,我成為賴聯福教授的專題研究生並成為專題組長,開始帶領組員思考專題主題,並學習相關技術,如專家系統、計算機視覺等等,並以所學知識與程式工具逐步實現想法,經過了長達一年的發想與實作,我們的專題於 2021 大專校院機電暨智慧創意實作創新競賽以及第 26 屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽入圍決賽,並於 2021 全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽獲獎

專題研究告一段落後,我依然保有強烈的研究熱情以及求知慾,於是我加入張英超教授的實驗室,開始進行車聯網路由演算法改良以及網路模擬等相關研究,並將成果撰寫為論文,投稿於第十七屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會並口頭發表,從中獲得相關領域專家的建議,於是我將該研究內容加以改良,獲得更為精確的數據以及明顯的貢獻成果,已投稿至國外期刊 Sensors, MDPI (IF: 3.847),目前審核通過,正在修改中


大學期間,我曾參與本科系助教工作以及相關的實務經驗,擔任「電腦網路進階」與「電腦網路」之課程助教,並於 Linux 平台架設程式題目線上評測系統,進而舉辦 2021 中區程式設計競賽,或於其他程式競賽擔任評審委員;我另外負責管理彰師大資工系網頁,以及資工系網路設定與主機運作,具備一定程度的網頁設計資料庫管理能力


除了兼顧課業以及專題研究,為了提升自己的技術實力以及團隊領導能力,我加入了彰師大的 Google 學生開發者社群(GDSC),與對資訊科技有興趣的參與者一同舉辦讀書會,並學習更多相關技術,如 Git 版本控制、Android Studio 進階應用等等,為了更進一步了解科技產業發展並拓展相關人脈,我於 2022 年成為社群領導人,目前準備與具有資訊安全領域相關人士合作開發車聯網資安監控系統。






  • 提升專業能力: 研究所相較於大學,具備更為全面且專業的研究環境,且教授也會授與更加進階的理論或實務內容,對於精進開發或研究能力有很大的幫助。
  • 同儕合作與教授指導: 在大學實作專題或參與社群活動的過程中,我深刻體會到與同儕之間相互合作、激盪想法的重要性,以及指導教授提供更深度層面的剖析,適時解決我們的問題,故更嚮往進入研究所實驗室,在教授的帶領下思考出更符合科技趨勢的研究想法、完成更困難的實作內容。



  • 課程方面:貴系具有頂級的師資陣容,先進的研發設備,以及廣泛的研究領域,若前往貴系就讀研究所,除了個人資訊科技能力將大幅提升,對於研究方面或實驗數據的完善也將有相當大的幫助。此外貴系開設的人工智慧、機器學習、雲端作業系統、雲端資料探勘、雲端計算、行動通訊網路與應用、無線網路、物聯網應用系統實作等課程,對我也有極大的吸引力,若榮幸受到貴系接納成為研究學生,我會積極修習這些專業課程,並提升個人學術知識以及研究能力。
  • 國際化方面與產業發展:貴系聘任多位國際學者任教,招收國際學生,並且有許多與國際接軌之教授,這些資源相當珍貴且能夠提升學生國際競爭力、跟上資訊科技領域的最新發展趨勢。



  • 持續學習線代、機率、演算法、資料探勘、計算機網路概論等理論與知
  • 閱讀人工智慧與網路工程領域之國際頂級會議、期刊論文,儲備未來研究知識
  • 規劃研究所修課計畫,會晤與確定指導教授
  • 積極參與開發者社群、研討會,擴充人脈與了解資訊科技發展趨勢


  • 修習人工智慧、機器學習、雲端運算、無線網路等相關領域學科
  • 學習如何將人工智慧等技術運用於不同領域之課程
  • 閱讀論文並與指導教授討論研究方向


  • 決定研究題目,查找並閱讀相關文獻
  • 修習研究相關課程並完成畢業學分
  • 參與實驗室計畫,累積實務經驗


  • 專注於論文研究與撰寫
  • 完成碩士論文之初稿
  • 整理初步研究成果並投稿至國內論壇與研討會


  • 完善研究成果與碩士論文
  • 積極投稿研究相關領域之國際期刊或研討會
  • 規劃畢業後發展,有意願繼續攻讀博士


Research Project: A Deep Q-Learning and Trajectory-Based V2X Routing Platform


Combining the 5G network and the VANET to improve the service quality of the vehicle environment, has been considered an important strategy to achieve intelligent driving. The intelligent VANET technology V2X (Vehicle to Everything) [1], which analyzes the big-data of the vehicle environment, integrates the intelligent VANET into the decision-making model. It will bring evolutions to the smart-city in the future. But how to maintain the quality of V2X network environment, consider the concept of differentiated services and establish the packet routing model, are urgent problems to be solved.

Research Method:

Based on the Q-Grid [2] routing protocol, our previous research improved it and proposed the Directional Q-Grid (DQ-Grid) protocol. Recently we added the concept of Software-Defined Network (SDN) to our research [3]. By deploying the SDN Control Node (CN), all vehicles exchange HELLO messages for V2X centralized control. As a result, we propose the Software-Defined Directional QGRID (SD-QGRID) routing architecture. The above research is only limited to consider types of vehicles with accurate trajectories, relatively fixed arrival times and travel paths, such as buses. Hence, we design a new routing architecture as shown in the Figure 1 in this proposal. First, the analysis unit collects vehicle information from the network environment, and information of other vehicles within the communication range of the target vehicle. Then the trajectory prediction model is used to predict the future trajectory of the target vehicle and the storage unit records characteristics of the predicted trajectory later. Combining the information and status of neighbor vehicles, we use the packet routing decision model to decide which neighbor vehicle is chosen to transfer the packet. Finally, the routing information of the target vehicle will be transferred to the RSU to complete the routing decision.

After the analysis unit conducts data mining, we use CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) to establish a trajectory prediction model, which predicts the trajectory of vehicles (such as taxis and general vehicles) based on historical data. This system includes a packet forwarding prediction model based on Deep Q-Learning [4]. Through the predicted vehicle trajectory characteristics and the state of neighbor nodes, this system can predict better routing decision information and select the optimal next-hop node to forward packets. In the following, we define the deep reinforcement learning model for packet forwarding prediction. First, all vehicle nodes in the map are used as agents of deep reinforcement learning, and then each of them calculates the best neighbor nodes for packet forwarding, according to the grid of the destination of the transmitted packet. Finally the overall packet transmission success rate in the map can be improved by training historical trajectories. This Deep Q-Learning defines the following terms. (1) state: represents the vehicle node a, which currently holds the packet with the destination area i. (2) action: means that vehicle node a transfers the packet, which will go to the destination area i, to vehicle node b. (3) Reward: indicates if the vehicle node a transfers the packet to the destination, this model will give this state a reward 1 and a reward 0, otherwise. According to the current time period (rush, non-rush, holiday, non-holiday, etc.) [5], the corresponding decision model of each time period is generated. It is referred by each vehicle node to transfer packets to its neighbor nodes.

Our research will adopt the real historical trajectory data of buses in Taipei City and the vehicle trajectory data of Beijing City. We will use Python to build the trajectory prediction model and the deep reinforcement learning model for packet forwarding prediction, and then use the NS-3 network simulator to conduct simulation experiments. Consequently, credible performance data can be obtained. In each simulation experiment, we randomly select multiple pairs of vehicle nodes as the source and destination of packets, and each node pair will generate packets at a fixed time interval. After the network system reaches the steady state, i.e., when the vehicle starts its moving for 100 seconds, the simulation program begins to collect performance data.

Figure 1. SDN Control Node Architecture

Expected Results:

In this research project, the shortcomings of our previous research have been improved. We use the CNN and LTSM models to predict vehicle trajectories and combine the deep reinforcement learning to design a new routing decision model for completing the routing decision process before the V2X network environment starts to operate. In the simulation experiments, we will compare our method with the protocols proposed in related papers, and our previously proposed DQ-Grid and SD-QGRID. We expect that our method will achieve efficient V2X packet routing decisions to greatly reduce the overhead, decrease the End-to-End delay and improve the transmission success rate altogether.


[1] Shanzhi Chen, Jinling Hu, Yan Shi, Ying Peng, Jiayi Fang, Rui Zhao and Li Zhao, “Vehicle-to-Everything (v2x) Services Supported by LTE-Based Systems and 5G,” IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue. 2, pp. 70–76, July 2017.

[2] Fan Li, et al. “Hierarchical Routing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks via Reinforcement Learning,” 2019 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, December 2018.

[3] C.Y. Hans, G. Quer and R.R. Rao, “Wireless SDN Mobile Ad Hoc Network: From Theory to Practice,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pp. 1–7, 2017.

[4] D. Zhang, F. R. Yu, R. Yang and L. Zhu, “Software-defined vehicular networks with trust management: A deep reinforcement learning approach”, IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1400–1414, Feb. 2022.

[5] Ing-Chau Chang, Ming-Han Hung, Ching-Ru Chang and Chin-En Yen, “NTR: an Efficient Trajectory-based Routing Protocol for the Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Banff, Canada, Oct. 5–8, 2017.



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[技術、遊記、攝影] 在夢與現實中徘徊,專注資訊技術,懷抱文人風骨