Day 2: Mindfulness

Yong Li Dich
3 min readJan 20, 2016


Well, I was going to go running in the morning, but it was raining (typical thirsty California). I ended up just going to work. Every day is a new learning experience. Only when I take initiative, admit my lack of knowledge, and have confidence will I be able to obtain help and learn. Often times I feel like I’m bothering people, which is not productive for your work nor self esteem. If you need help or clearer instructions, GO AND ASK. By taking the time to talk to my manager/boss, I was able to learn more about linux commands, HTTP requests between the client and web server (which is so different when implemented in real life job versus in class), javascript, electrical engineering concepts (var (aka volt ampere reactive []), volt-amps, and watts and how they describe different phases of power), the 7 layer OSI model, a messaging system, and the wonderful (but fickle) Freeboard (a dashboard for internet of things data). Oh and did I mention he said he’ll bring me a donut (BEST PART…even though I should be getting in shape…oops…that’s why there are cheat days).

Then I met up with my good high school friend (we’re still calling her Rachel) who goes to UC Berkeley. I honestly love catching up with people I love. There’s a reason why I want certain people in my life: they’re not toxic, they’re genuine, and they’re great inspirations. I think being around productive and creative people gives me energy (Can you guess if I’m an introvert or extrovert? It could go either way.). I love being able to form my own communities and honestly go out of my way to break out of the typical Asian stereotype/shell where women (at least what my mom instilled) are quiet and obedient. Once you’ve seen the beauty in every single person (with exceptions of course), you won’t go back. Oh yeah, I didn’t talk about the food. We went to Toss (a REALLY good noodle shop — totally recommend). Who focuses on the food when they’re with good company?

On the way home, I found myself stressed with a headache. Thus, I turned to mindfulness techniques: focusing on my breathing, being there in the moment, being positive. I was surrounded by similarly busy/stressed out folks trying to go home. It was beautiful in a way that everyone had their own separate lives. Receiving and giving a smile to a total stranger is quite nice too. I know it makes my own day better. There was a local dance group that came in to dance on the subway (typical). I couldn’t help, but smile (everyone else, unfortunately, wasn’t very appreciative). These are just kids trying to get by with dancing, something that brings them together and away from worse situations. I’d prefer that to violence any day. Thinking positive and being present really just gives less headaches. Try it some time! Perhaps I’m just extremely optimistic, but I don’t think it’s hurting me.

When I got home, I went for a 2 mile run.

Now, I’m going to go take a shower and then work on WECode, ponder over my schedule for second semester, learn some OCaml, and then work on my module for my lab. RIGHT ON TRACK ( I think/hope ).

Tomorrow: Wake up early so that I can go to work early and get off early. Hopefully I get most of the QR/Links done. Then I’m going to spend some time with my mom before I leave Friday. Perhaps we’ll get sushi tomorrow (my favorite — heart eye emoji). I’m going to read some good psychology/neuroscience articles. I’ll most likely try to run tomorrow, work on WECode, and study some OCaml. If I have extra time, I’ll work on my python module. I should probably look into Java/C++ soon as an extra skill. That’s for another month though.

OH SHAMELESS ADVERTISEMENT. LOOK INTO THE WECODE 2016 CONFERENCE! REGISTER! SHARE! It’s a great opportunity for networking, job hunting, and workshops for future technology. It’s like a mini Grace Hopper conference!

My challenge of a blog a day to be continued tomorrow!



Yong Li Dich

Computer science student looking for more ways to learn more about social impact