Elements of Backend

Yeasin Rahaman
2 min readDec 23, 2021



Mongoose is a JavaScript object-oriented programming library that connects MongoDB and the Express web application framework

CRUD Operations

Crud Operations is important in any computer programming language or technology.

Create: Create operation is an Insert Operation or add new documents in the collection. If a collection doesn’t exist then it will create a new collection in the database. We can perform create operations using the following methods. We can create by this command:-

db.collection.insertOne()-We use it to insert single document.

db.collection.insertMany()-We use it to insert many data collection.

Read: We can Read any data using this operation. We can perform Read operations using the following methods provided by this code.

db.collection.find() -It used to Read a single document in a collect of dataset.

Update: We can update any data using this operation. We can perform update operations using the following methods provided by this code:

db.collection.updateOne() — It is used to update a single document in a collection of datasets.

db.collection.updateMany() -It is used to update multiple documents in a collection of datasets.

Delete: We can delete any data using this operation. We can perform delete operations using the following methods provided by this code:

db.collection.deleteOne() — It is used to delete a single document in a collection of datasets.

db.collection.deleteMany() — It is used to delete Multiple documents in a collection of datasets.

Relational database (MySql)

It is a collection of data that organizes data relationships for easy access. A relational Database Model, it includes many tables, indexes, and views to separate from the physical storage structure, enabling database administrators to edit the physical data storage without affecting the logical data structure.


Express is a back end framework for Node.js,which is a free and open source software It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node.js

