A Simple Guide to Safari View Controller and More (SwiftUI)

14 min readJul 19, 2023

This article shows how to use Safari View Controller in SwiftUI.

A little timeline

The story began with the Safari web browser back in 2003. The corresponding WebView class is made available to developers later that year.

Fast forward to 2014, Apple releases a new WebKit. It contains a new WKWebView class. Apple eventually retired both UIWebView (iOS) and WebView (macOS) classes.

In 2015, Apple introduces SFSafariViewController. It contains critical features in a regular Safari web browser. It provides tighter or better integration with native applications.

Apple Developer still has the video introducing Safari View Controller at the 2015 WWDC! 👇

It is worthwhile to watch the video.

What is the motivation behind creating the Safari…




Enthusiastic application and web developer since the mid-90s. Currently living in South East Asia. Manage to stay pretty foolish but not very hungry. :-)