Easy Forex Advice by Yee Kok Siong You Have To Read

Yee Kok Siong
2 min readMay 17, 2018


Forex, or in other terms the foreign exchange rates between countries dealing with stocks and in general all monetary currencies, is important to understand when trading stocks, investing, purchasing, etc. over international borders. Below are various scenarios/examples discussed by Yee Kok Siong of how forex works and will also show you how forex can work in your favor.

The best trading tool for Forex is a good education. The first thing you should do before investing in Forex is to learn how to do your trading correctly. Otherwise, you could end up in a whole lot of trouble. Forex is a complex and risky business so you should practice trading successfully on your demo account for 3 months before trading live.

Beginners should focus on major currency pairings. When you start trading, concentrate on pairing the US dollar with other major currencies. These pairs are GBP-USD, EUR-USD, USD-CHF, AUD-USD and USD-JPY. These are closely followed and commented on by analysts, so you will easily be able to find a lot of information on these specific pairs.

To make money in foreign exchange trading, it is necessary to check the conditions of a certain currency before making a trade. This can be done by reading various news and political data associated to the country you choose to trade with. A country’s currency is usually a reflection of the country itself.

Treat your forex trading like a real business and remain professional and formal in all your dealings with other people. Forum posts must reflect what you want your reputation to be, as how others think of you will dictate how they treat you or if they want to help you when you have a question.

Study your prior trades, both the good and the bad. The best way to learn what works is to study your successes and failures in the market. Look for patterns in your trades to see what strategies work best for you. Try keeping a diary of your trades and mark down what the results are.

If you used a demo or fantasy forex account prior to trading on the real markets, keep the demo forex account even after you start trading. It is vital that you continue to learn and practice, and you can practice new strategies on the demo account before doing them for real, allowing you to catch problems or mistakes.

Learn how to do your own analysis of the market. Analysis of the forex market is very subjective. Analysis is very much tied into your trading strategy so what works for your neighbor may not work for your method. Use other’s analysis as a starting off point but learn how to read the market yourself.

As stated in the beginning of this article, forex is known for the rates between currencies and stocks over international borders. Now that knowledge on the forex has been obtained, this knowledge can easily be applied to international business transactions and the stock market to help yourself make some extra money.

Also read: How Can Fundamental Analysis Increase Profits for Forex Traders?

