Hard Work vs Smart Work. The new myth.It has become the new buzzword that every one says; work smart not hard. After having a very interesting debate with my friends I wanted to…May 13, 2016May 13, 2016
When we were looking at launching The Leather Satchel Co in Latin America we understood from the…So what are they?Jan 26, 2016Jan 26, 2016
From Apple to Windows and Android. Has tech become the new addiction? Part IOctober 26 2007. A date I will always remember, it was the launch of OS X Leopard and I was waiting outside in the que at the Apple store…Dec 3, 2015Dec 3, 2015
What’s in your bag?For about 8 years I have tried to live to a mantra, if it doesn’t fit in my bag, it doesn’t fit in my life.Aug 20, 2015Aug 20, 2015
LG G4 ReviewFull disclosure up front. I have had an iPhone since its launch. I consider myself platform agnostic, it just so happens that I have found…Aug 8, 2015Aug 8, 2015
iOS 9 — All you need to knowRefinement. We all know that iOS9 is here and it’s all about polishing off. What we don’t yet know is if that is a big deal.Jul 10, 2015Jul 10, 2015
The Smartwatch- Your Guide.The smartwatch is slowly coming in to our lives. We want to cover why they exist, what are the options and what you need to know to get…Jun 29, 2015Jun 29, 2015
Wearable Technology$80 billion. That’s a big number that will be achieved in a small amount time. That’s the estimated value of the wearable market by the…Jun 23, 2015Jun 23, 2015
Published inThe Apple Watch ProjectApple Watch Review — Five weeks in.After using the Apple Watch for five weeks I can finally share with you what living with the Apple Watch is like and if it’s worth…Jun 12, 2015Jun 12, 2015