Maximizing Productivity: Tips for Senior Product Manager

Yekini Gariba
3 min readJan 24, 2023


You’ve probably worked many late nights and early mornings as a senior product manager attempting to get everything done.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so how is it possible for some people to appear to accomplish so much more than others?

The reality is that being productive as a senior product manager involves working smarter, not harder. Here are some pointers to help you utilize your time effectively:

Prioritize your tasks.

Trying to handle too many tasks at once is one of the biggest blunders a senior product manager can make.

Instead, concentrate on the duties that matter the most and will have the greatest influence on your final work. Continue to the next most crucial duty once those are finished.

Learn to say “no.”

You’ll undoubtedly be required to complete several tasks that have little to do with your product as a senior product manager.

Being a team player is crucial, but you should also be ready to say “no” when something doesn’t fit with your values.

Make the most of technology.

You can stay organized and on top of your tasks with the help of many tools and applications available today.

There is no shortage of tools to make you more productive, from time-tracking applications to project management software.

Take breaks.

Contrary to popular opinion, taking breaks frequently will really make you more productive.

Stepping away from your work for a short while can help you gain perspective and return to your chores with new eyes when you’re feeling overwhelmed or trapped.

Surround yourself with positive people.

The company you keep can have a significant impact on your level of productivity.

Be in the company of upbeat, driven individuals who will inspire and motivate you to achieve your objectives.

Set clear and realistic goals.

It’s crucial for top product managers to have a distinct vision for what they want to accomplish with their products.

Setting specific, attainable goals can keep you motivated and focused. Make sure your goals are relevant, timely, measurable, and realistic (SMART).

Delegate effectively.

Senior product managers need to understand that they can’t do everything on their own. You can free up time by assigning duties to team members so that you can concentrate on the most crucial activities.

When assigning work, be careful to select the appropriate person, give detailed instructions, and establish expectations. Make sure you are accessible for assistance and to provide feedback.


Senior product management is a difficult position to fill, but with the appropriate mindset, you can be effective and have a significant impact on your product.

Do not forget to prioritize your duties, develop the ability to say “no,” take pauses, take advantage of technology, surround yourself with positive people, properly set clear and realistic objectives, and effectively delegate duties to team members in order to focus on the most important tasks.

You’ll be on your way to being a productivity expert if you keep these suggestions in mind.



Yekini Gariba

I'm super curious and I love to write on things that make sense in life.