How Page Speed Affects SEO and How To Improve It

Yellowfindigital Houston
5 min readJan 3, 2024


While keyword analysis and link building are the cornerstones of a successful SEO strategy, page speed performance is as important to your SEO initiatives. A variety of building pieces make up SEO. Each of these elements adds something new to your site, enhancing your SEO and increasing its effectiveness.

For a website’s overall digital strategy and online presence, site speed has emerged as a crucial indicator. In addition to being crucial for technical SEO, site performance also impacts your ranking in search engine results (SERPs).

It is undeniable that slower websites have lower conversion rates and greater bounce rates, leading to fewer pages per visit. As a result, many business owners have started using professional SEO services to aid them.

Here are some of the best techniques to speed up your website, but first, let’s clarify what page speed is.

What is Page Speed?

Page speed refers to how quickly a certain page loads on your website. Due to factors discovered on the page, different pages may load at varying speeds. Images, scripts, or plugins are a few examples of these factors. It’s common to confuse “site speed” with “page speed,” which is the average page speed for a representative sample of page views on a website. A crucial aspect to keep in mind and maintain has a good page speed.

There is a higher chance that visitors will leave your website if a page on it takes a long time to load. As a result, when your pages don’t load properly, your rivals can grab your visitors. In addition, users expect swift reactions to the information on your website. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider optimizing page performance for your website.

6 Effective Methods for Increasing Page Speed Performance

Some of the best strategies to increase page speed performance are listed below:

1. Reduce Script Size

While trying to achieve a perfect Google PageInsights score, the greatest scripts to utilize are those that minify JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other scripts. Minifying refers to removing all extras and whitespace from the code that aren’t required. The procedure lowers the overall size of the site deployment files and is strongly advised by Google.

To eliminate code redundancy, you should minimize all files. The scripts are made shorter, more effective, and faster to run thanks to minification. Several minify programs are available online; however, if you want to go deep and minify well, you can also enlist a developer’s assistance.

2. Set Compression to On

One of the best ways to increase page speed performance is by setting compression to on. Today, Gzip is the file compression method that most developers advise utilizing. With the help of this program, you can cut more than 150 bytes off the size of your CCS, HTML, and JavaScript files.

The overall quality of the image may be impacted if this tool is used on image files. Hence it is not recommended. Instead, using specialized graphic programs like Photoshop is the easiest technique to compress photos while maintaining image quality. In addition, your page speed can increase by up to 90% by appropriately compressing your files.

3. Analyze Your Code

Analyzing your code is one of the best ways to speed up your website load time. Sometimes, we overlook the most basic aspects of your code. It involves eliminating blank spaces, extra commas, and other characters.

Your page speed can be significantly increased by optimizing your code. Take into account reviewing the formatting and code comments. Utilize the CSSNano and UglifyJS tools that Google suggests; these programs will make finding and correcting errors in the website’s backend code simpler.

Read more to learn: Tips to Increase Your Website Traffic

4. Decrease HTTP Requests

To view the website’s content, browsers must send multiple HTTP requests. The overhead of the hosting service increases due to the cycle of generating the request, hitting the server, and creating content for the browser. The number of assets on each website page should be kept to a minimum to combat this.

Furthermore, websites can instruct browsers to activate and use HTTP data caching. To speed up the loading of web pages, websites keep static copies of data in the cache, which is essentially temporary storage on the browser level. This method significantly lessens the amount of data that must be transferred and is also very advantageous for website visitors.

5. Open Caching for the Browser

This action can improve your browsing experience overall. The system can store the user’s browser by enabling browser caching. It indicates that they won’t need to make another HTTP request to the server when they return to your website. After the system caches the first page, they only need to download new items on subsequent pages.

To determine whether your cache has an expiration date, experts advise using a caching tool in your browser. This tool also allows you to specify the expires header for the period of cached data. If they don’t make more frequent design changes, web developers typically set cache expiration for a year by default.

6. Image Optimization

You can leave some of your website’s photos to increase page performance. The format you select for your photographs is one of the things you should be aware of. Image optimization entails file size reduction without compromising quality. Image optimization is the process of lowering file size without compromising quality.

The easiest and most efficient way to accomplish this is to compress the photographs before posting them to your website. You can also utilize tools to make templates for pictures you commonly use, such as buttons and icons. CSS sprites are one of the most well-liked resources to look at.


When examining recent algorithm modifications thoroughly, it becomes clear that Google and other top search engines have established more logical and stringent guidelines for site rankings. As a result, you have a wide range of opportunities with a digital marketing career. Furthermore, high search engine rankings and a good user experience correlate directly with a faster website.

Many business owners now seek the assistance of reliable SEO services in Corpus Christi to optimize their websites and increase page speed. In addition, with their web development expertise, you can improve user engagement on your website.



Yellowfindigital Houston

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