Demonstration of Blockchain Technology through Taklimakan

Yeni Hasli
4 min readSep 3, 2019


All educational institutions will certainly display the best performance in the learning and teaching process. This is done so that all fields of study taught can be absorbed perfectly. Educational institutions are not only a place to gain knowledge, but also function as a place to shape the character of a child. Because this is where a child will interact with new people, who they have never met before.

The success of the internet media today is inseparable from the role of content creators, be it in the social, political, cultural, educational, and entertainment fields. Where they work together to make a profit from one another. Taklimakan is one example of internet media that provides educational services. This educational service comes with a very different touch, namely by integrating Blockchain technology to support the monetization process.

Taklimakan is a place for everyone to share knowledge with one another. By carrying out the concept of “Sharing is a Concern” it is hoped that it can attract more community attention to use this educational service. In the initial stages of its launch, Taklimakan demonstrated learning about Blockchain technology, which was divided into three phases, easy, medium, expert. Taklimakan also has the main mission to introduce Blockchain technology platforms, both those that are engaged in exchanges, mining, financial transaction services, and educational services like himself. So that later this step can accelerate the process of adopting Blockchain technology in people’s daily lives.

The choice of Blockchain technology as a field of study was demonstrated, not only because Taklimakan integrated the technology. However, after analyzing market conditions, experts consider that at this time a lot of ordinary people who need basic learning about the procedures for using Blockchain technology. In addition, many Blockchain technology activists require additional knowledge to support the level of profitability. This is because the use of Blockchain technology that is already very worldwide and has also felt its benefits. In addition this is also influenced by the use of social media, which there are many people who appreciate the use of this technology. Therefore this is felt to be very compatible with the expertise of technology scientists working in the Taklimakan development project.

Although currently only concentrates on providing learning about Blockchain technology development and systems. But this does not make experts only content themselves at one particular point. Therefore, Taklimakan currently has a “Brand Ambassador” program. Where through this program, Taklimakan will find young talents who can be their representatives to socialize all services and features provided. But here Taklimakan does not require its representatives to master Blockchain technology and possess certain foreign language skills. This is done to further expand the branches of knowledge provided later. Therefore the role of an ambassador is needed to provide creative innovations in the formation of these new branches of knowledge. In addition, the selection of ambassadors from various countries is a way for Taklimakan to be more global. Because if we analyze, the market or ordinary people will more easily absorb information if conveyed in the language they have used everyday.

The main attraction of educational institutions actually does not lie in how many fields of study are provided. But lies in the concepts and learning techniques that are given. Therefore, at the moment Taklimakan deliberately designs the concept of a platform similar to social media. This is deliberately done to give the latest impression on all fields of science that are published, as well as with social media that always displays the most actual information. This proves that Taklimakan currently uses market control techniques whose concept is not far from the lives of modern people living in the technological era.

The success of Taklimakan will also not be separated from a number of users who are very active in sharing knowledge, especially those related to Blockchain technology that are currently being demonstrated. Where active users or we can also call mentors, are entitled to monetization of a number of professional services that have been provided to passive users, of course, with agreements that have been agreed before. This proves that Taklimakan does not only play a role as an educational platform facilitator, but also as a mediator between active users and passive users.

More Information

Website :
Telegram : Thread :
Bounty Thread :

BTT URL:;u=2580001;sa=summary

ERC 20: 0x2ecfcf14d65e962c8c575891d04915854ef0ca88

Taklimakan URL:

