

Tony Yen
4 min readJun 2, 2018




美國能源部近日一份遭揭露的文件指出,川普當局考慮利用聯邦電力法( Federal Power Act)或防禦供給法(Defense Production Act)強制要求電力調度業者收購面臨關廠危機的核煤電廠的發電。





PJM Interconnection

Christopher Mansour, Solar Energy Industries Association Vice President of Federal Affairs (SEIA)

“A policy to spend billions of dollars keeping uneconomic power plants afloat, while trying to put clean and affordable solar on the sidelines, is not a recipe for economic success. Energy experts across a range of industries, within the federal government and in academia have agreed that this sort of effort will create a bloated power sector deploying outmoded technologies. We urge policymakers to again block this ill-advised effort to keep plants running that most electric utilities have already decided to abandon, and for good reason.”

Amy Farrell, American Wind Energy Association Senior Vice President for Government and Public Affairs (AWEA)

“Independent energy regulators, grid operators and other experts have gone on the record to declare that orderly power plant retirements do NOT constitute an emergency for our electric grid. Infrastructure and processes are already in place to ensure that remains the case. The reported proposal would be a misapplication of emergency powers, there’s certainly no credible justification to force American taxpayers to bailout uneconomic power plants.”

Mary Anne Hitt, Director of Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign

“This is an outrageous ploy to force American taxpayers to bail out coal and nuclear executives who have made bad decisions by investing in dirty and dangerous energy resources, and it will be soundly defeated both in the courts and in the court of public opinion. Trump will clearly try anything to help millionaire coal and nuclear executives, even demanding American families fork over big bucks to prop up their uneconomic, failing power plants. Just like all his other ploys and ham-handed tactics, this one will fail because it is out of touch with reality and out of step with the law.”

Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen’s Energy Program

“President Donald Trump’s actions are a breathtaking abuse of authority and another indication that the president — whose daily knee-jerk actions show neither thought nor policy knowledge — is heavily influenced by extremist corporations and industries. Trump is imagining a crisis that doesn’t exist. This is a power grab, literally… America’s coal and nuclear power plants have been rendered uneconomic because of the combination of cheaper renewables and gas, and flat power demand. There is no national security or reliability crisis stemming from the retirement of such facilities.”

Beyond Nuclear

“If enacted, this bailout of some 80 coal and nuclear power plants in a 13-state region could cost the public $8 billion per year in dirty, dangerous, and expensive energy surcharges on their electric bills and/or income taxes.”

Green Tea Coalition

Debbie Dooley是Green Tea Coalition的共同發起人之一


Todd Snitchler, American Petroleum Institute Market Development Group Director (API)

“The administration’s draft plan to provide government assistance to those coal and nuclear power plants that are struggling to be profitable under the guise of national security would be unprecedented and misguided …unprecedented government intervention in the energy markets to support high cost generation will put achieving that vision in jeopardy and hurt customers by taking more money out of their pockets rather than letting people keep more of what they earn…”

Heritage Foundation

“The motives couldn’t be more obvious — the same politically-tied companies that drove the last proposal are back at it again because they can’t compete in the marketplace…”






像最近 Rocky Mountain Institute便發表一份報告,指出分散式能源系統搭配再生能源,在全美大部分地區到2030年時已經比新建或營運中的燃氣電廠更便宜。






以上種種跡象都顯示,以氣換煤的政策不僅僅是能源轉型初期一個很有效率的政策(正如台灣正在推行的),所謂燃氣鎖定(gas lock-in),也是有很多方案和機會在中長期的轉型過程中避免的。




Tony Yen

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.