Sex and Cars

The Truth Will Out

Indira Reddy
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2018


2016 Honda Civic and 2012 Pagani Zonda RS in Pexels

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Kay, my boyfriend…oops…my fiance…suggested that we drive up to our favourite restaurant by the sea. My tongue flicked out to the corner of my lips involuntarily as I remembered the succulent and crisp calamari and the comfortable weight of their craft beer, served in thick old-fashioned mugs. Kay grinned at my expression and tossed the car keys to me, saying, “Why don’t you drive today?”

I was surprised. We both loved to drive and always fought about whose turn it was. But I wasn’t going to question my luck. I just grabbed the keys, grinned and said, “So, what are you waiting for?”

The restaurant was a good two hour drive south. I drove carefully until we reached the city limits — the traffic can be horrendous and chaotic where I live. Once on the main highway, I eased into fifth, switched on my collection of old school rock and leaned back into the seat. This was bliss.

Kay said, “I’m not really feeling this today. Can we change?”

I felt a bubble of anger rise up, but quickly smothered it. It wasn’t worth fighting over. I said, “Go ahead,” and smiled. But my heart wasn’t in it. I hate any changes in plans.

He switched to a Kenny Rogers playlist. Immediately, alarm bells rang in my mind. I sat up straight. Shit! Again?? I was fucking tired of it, of acting as if I enjoyed it. Sometimes, I just wanted to shout out loud, Stop touching me! I steeled myself and brought my acting facet to the fore.

Kay put his hand on my thigh and squeezed. I smiled back at him softly, a bit dreamily…I hoped I got that expression right! I’d spent hours perfecting that expression in front of a mirror. Would you believe what finally did the trick? A plate of biriyani. Food just works. And was it worth the effort, you ask. Yep. Definitely. Kay’s face literally glowed. He slipped his hand under my skirt and slowly drew random shapes with his fingers. With each shape, his hand inched up. I sighed inside. This was familiar territory. All I had to do was to bite my lip, fidget a bit and arch my back. Works every time!

In a few minutes, his hand had progressed to the top of my thigh. I stopped his hand and said with a half-mocking glare, “Don’t distract me when I’m driving!” He grinned and let his hand rest for a few minutes.

I looked at the road and soon, I was lost. The soft vibration of the car, the faint sound of the engine whirring as the landscape flashed by…all soothed me, until I felt like I was floating.

My peace was short-lived. Kay gently pushed open my legs and let his fingers trace my labia. Fuck! I grinned at the unfortunate pun but just for a second. My brain frantically screamed at me to start acting my part. I groaned theatrically (thanks porn!) and Kay’s fingers became more insistent. He slid a finger inside me and tried to wriggle in. I remembered this time to open up my legs and his finger slid in a bit more.

Kay was engrossed and most of my attention was on maintaining my act. It was getting more and more difficult to remember and check off the list of actions I must perform and drive at the same time. Not to mention that the position I now was in was extremely uncomfortable. My lower back shot off warning pains, but I ignored it.

Just then, a gorgeous, glittering black and purple Pagani Zonda 760 RS overtook me and sped off. I gasped. Her beauty overrode every single neuron in my head. I had to get another glimpse. I sat up straight, floored the accelerator and chased her. I pushed my car to its limits, trying to catch my fantastical sprite. I caught flashes of purple ahead, but she was always too far.

After some time, I began to catch up. She had stopped. I slowed down and crawled on the remaining bit of road that separated us. I devoured every inch of her. I desperately wanted to stop and tell the driver how fucking lucky he was and maybe, just maybe, run a hand over her smooth lines…but I couldn’t. She was an angel and I, a mere lying human. I drove slowly past, my eyes fixed on her, until the last speck of her had vanished.

I sighed in pleasure. What a wonderful day! I sighed again for good measure.

Kay cleared his throat and said, “I’ve never seen that expression on your face before.”

I sat up. Damn! I’d forgotten all about Kay! I turned to him, expecting to see him angry. Instead, he just looked thoughtful. I blurted, “Kay…I’m so sorry. It’s just that…I…”

I stopped. I didn’t know what I could say. Nothing in my research had prepared me for this moment. My shoulders sagged. What was I going to do?

Kay said, “I’ve never seen that expression on your face before. Not in two years. It looked like…like you’d had an orgasm. Did you?”

I shook my head and said, “Uh…no. I…”

“Then, what was it?”

“Um…” I began and then froze.

Kay put his hand on top of mine and said, “Tell me the truth. Are you a lesbian?”

I snorted a quick laugh and said, “No. I…it’s difficult to explain. I…I love you Kay. I want you to know that.”

Kay sighed and said, “I know. But, what was that all about then? Have you been faking all your orgasms? Am I not doing it right?”

I sighed. Despite all my work, the time had finally come. I had to tell him. Even if it meant that he would leave. I hesitated one more time, but Kay deserved the truth. He’d been my rock for so long. I slowed down, parked the car, turned to him and said, “I don’t feel any sexual attraction to anybody.”

Kay’s eyes bugged out and he started to say something. I shushed him and began explaining.

Read more stories in this collaboration:

Thanks Ernio for the inspiration! This was so much fun! ❤❤



Indira Reddy

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…