Dark Chocolate Icecream

Indira Reddy
1 min readApr 7, 2017


Wikimedia Commons

On a hot summer evening
Sweating in 90% humidity
We walk on the beach
Stopping sometimes to cool
Overheated bodies with a dip
Of our feet in cool ocean waves
And then I see the ice cream stall
Grinning we run towards that
Beckoning sweet, cold heaven
I choose a dark chocolate cone
Oozing with chocolate chips
Crunching merrily between my teeth
The sensuous shock of gooey fudge
The rich depth of brownie bits
Create textures and landscapes
Of chocolate explosions
Hitting that sweet little spot
Sending shivers of delight
And then the ice cream melts
And drips slowly down my hand
Unwanting to waste even a drop
Of this heaven, I flick my tongue
Lick it slowly off, while looking
At you, watching me, avidly
And then you say, “You missed,
It’s now on your chin. Let me”
And you gently swipe it
With an extended finger
And place it on my lips
Tongue flicks, all manna is saved
And grinning, we resume walking



Indira Reddy

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…