2 min readJun 8, 2023

Happy 8 months of being together, baby!

This month we are celebrating 2 events hehe. The first one was celebrating my first birthday together, and the second one is our 8th monthly anniversary! Yeay!

Talking about number 8.. Despite it’s being our favorite number, if we put the number side way, it becomes an infinity symbol. HOW COOL IS THAT? Not cooler than my baby aboviously! But still, a cool trivia HEHE

This time around I’d want to express my gratitude towards you, hehe.. Baby, it must’ve been tough dealing with me everyday.. But you chose to stay here with me.. :( Thank you for not giving up on me, on us.. I’m still very far from getting the ‘best partner’ title, but I will still continue to give my best effort to keep our relationship works.

What I like about you is that you are always so open about whatever bothers you, especially when it comes to us and our relationship. You are also very clear about your likes and dislikes. I want my baby to enjoy and having her best time with me.

Baby, please note that I’m always proud of you. I know how hard you tried to be where you at right now. I really admire your passion about anything you like, including your job. Kayi, please never be sorry whenever you are busy, because I understand your situation. Just give me a little notice and make sure that you are taking care of yourself that would be enough for me. (Psps, please take a short break in between your tasks, it is necessary!)

Also an important note, just in case you forget, I proclaim myself as your life supporter who will love and support you unconditionally. I will continue to cheer for you through the ups and down, so please hang in there okay, love?

Again, happy 8 months, baby. Please don’t get bored of me as I want to be with you for the longest time possible. I love you to the moon and never back. Aku sayang kamu.

I’m forever grateful to have you, Kaynora.

To 8-ternity and beyond
Your significant annoyance,

Julian the Bear