Kuomintang (Xinhai) Revolution (1911–1912)

Yeonsoo Shin
1 min readJan 19, 2017


Establishment of the Republic of China with display of two flags of the Wuchang
Uprising (1911)

The Kuomintang Revolution, otherwise known as the Xinhai Revolution, is a revolution led by Sun Wen which was a significant step towards the modernization of China. After the Boxer Rebellion (1900) failed due to suppression from the government of the Qing Dynasty, China lost its substantial powers and became a puppet of the western powers. Also, the Chinese government tried to hand over its railways to the west and this stimulated soldiers to begin the Wuchang Uprising along with the revolutionists. The revolution that was sparked in Wuchang spread throughout the whole natuon quickly enough to be supported in all castles within one week, and as Yuan Shih-kai established the Beijing government, the revolution changed into a counterrevolution. As a result, the Republic of China government was established along with the collapse of the imperial rule that had been continuing for more than 2,000 years and this was the first democratic republic created in Asia.

