Exploring different ideas

Yeo Shao Jie
3 min readMar 25, 2019


New ideas are hard to come by, especially when deadlines are pressing and pilling up over the weeks.

It can be an arduous task to be innovative and come out with novel visualisations and discussions in medium. Combine that with the assignments and tests from other modules outside of USP and it becomes a real struggle to be able to keep a consistent pace.

This was the challenge I had over the last few weeks of endless CAs and submissions. The task of coming out with new ideas, each being unique from the previous one, can be rather draining given our limited capacity to be innovative.

How can we continue to think differently?

Nevertheless, despite the challenges faced, I wanted to explore topics that are different from what is being taught in class. Some of which are related, while most of them are quite random.

These are what I came out with over the last few weeks:

Price of iPhone in comparison to cost
Price of EpiPen over the years
Word Cloud of Donald Trump’s tweets
Top 10 best selling consoles

I must admit that all of these topics are seemingly random, with little correlation to each other or the topic at hand. Despite that, I would like to point out that these are topics that I am interested in as a person. From technology, to gaming, to healthcare or even politics, these are some of the topics that were not covered in class. However, I found them interesting and worth the time exploring.

In hindsight, I also wrote a medium article about the rising cost of life saving drugs. All in all, I spent about six hours of work doing research, conceptualising the table, visualisation and writing the medium article on healthcare. Even though it does really help me directly in meaningful indicators to contribute to the discussion in class, I found it enriching to my field of study and it broaden my view of the pharmaceutical industry. These are valuable findings which I discovered through the extra time I spent on an extended research topic.

On top of that, what I have learnt through this random findings is that it helps me to think differently by exploring topics which were not covered in class. These extra visualisations gave me an added practice in being different. Moreover, I was able to gather more feedback from the Reddit community over past few weeks which was something I would not have experienced if I merely followed through the lesson plan.

In the next medium article, I will be exploring more on the environment as well as the collaboration. Thanks for reading!

