The natural planning model

Yernar Toleuov
2 min readDec 1, 2015


Last week I read about planning in “Getting things done” book. After that I started planning my weekends. So, in this blog I will explain you model of planning with my experience.

There are 5 steps of the natural planning model. The first step is defining purpose and principles. What it means? I will explain it through example.

So, I planned my weekends and I decided that I want to play football with my friends. It is purpose of my plan. The next stages will depend on our purpose.

The next step is outcome visioning. It is vision about my weekends, atmosphere on football, feelings during the match and others that best fulfilled my purpose.

After this step, we need brainstorming details of my weekend. During brainstorming I thought about each details of my purpose. I found many questions such where we wiil play, who will play, will weather good and etc.

The fourth step is organizing. In this step I started to search answers to my questions and I found several variants of place, time. Before the last step, I had to choose one of the variants.

The last step is next action. Finally, I reserved pitch where we will play. After that I called to my friends and invited them to play football.

Last weekends we gathered together and played football. Everything was great and my friends was satisfied.

Planning of my weekend helped me to spend time very good. I understood efficiency of planning and I advice you to plan you days.


