Unfulfilled promises = negative mood

Yernar Toleuov
2 min readDec 6, 2015


In this blog I will tell you how to prevent negative mood because of unfulfilled promises.

All people give yourself a promises that they will do something. But due to circumstances they can not do it. So, every time when they remember their promises, they become sad. David Allen in “Getting things done” book offer 3 methods to prevent such condition.

  • Don’t make the agreement. Learn to say “no”. If you do not want or can not to do something, you should say “no”. It will help you to escape negative mood about that thing. Many people give many promises to get the approval of others. But you should think twice before giving promises about can you do it completely. Also, if you plan your actions, it will easy to say “no”. Because you will not have any time to fulfill a promise. You will be more disciplined.
  • Complete the agreement. The next simple method is to fulfill a promise. It is one of the effective way to escape negative mood. Do not be lazy. Find the time to fulfill a promise. It can be weekends. So, after the fulfiliing a promise you will feel satisfaction and it will help you to do something more. You will become competent and productive.
  • Renegotiate the agreement. If above-mentioned methods are uneffective, you can renegotiate the promises. It means to change the time of implementation of promises. That time should be comfortable for you. You should be free in that time. It help you to not think about that promises every day. Because you know that you will do it soon.

Now I want to tell about my experience. Story will be about mess in wardrobe. I promised to pack my clothes every day. But because of laziness, I always say “soon”. I can not say “no, I will not pack them”, because when I saw them, I have negative mood. So, I chose next weekends to pack them.

Finally, I packed my clothes and now I have positive mood.


