Decentralized Human — A Web3 experiment

7 min readMar 18, 2022


An experiment to decentralize and tokenize a human.

The NFT space has seen great adoption throughout the world in a very short time and it is a very interesting aspect of the Web3 movement. The NFTs can be much more than just Profile Pictures (PfPs) and it has potential for a lot more. I am convinced that its’ decentralization and technological power will take over the world for the better. It remains to be seen if such promises will ever be fulfilled. Do you know what they say about great power? … comes great responsibility.

Through this social experiment I will try to test out a different application of the NFTs. This is an experiment where I will decentralize and tokenize myself to let the community take autonomous decisions to help me transition into Web3 space and build a career in it. The earnings from Web3 will be shared among the community and the exact shares will be defined through tokenomics.

I will become a Decentralized Human (DH).

This experiment was inspired by the concept of Human capital contracts. There are some previous examples from which we can learn a lot, also a very recent exploit by Pat Santiago. Someone was kind enought to point me to interesting case study back in the day. Why use non-fungible tokens? (a chapter for later). However, this is interesting since I’m not an athlete, I do not have a fan base, I am just an individual with good ideas wanting to transition to Web3 and this is my proof of work.

This is a Social experiment — Mostly for my curiosity and fun. None of this is investment advice.

Before I dive into the concept of the experiment, let me give you some details about myself which will be important for the success criteria in this experiment. I work in the Web2 space in a very niche field in the Space industry; designing and building stuff for satellites. I do not code and I have no experience with coding. I can manage to read and understand code up to an extent. Have dabbled in Python and I get by in reading smart contracts. I am convinced that web3 will be highly impactful in different walks of life for the better and I’m motivated to buidl something there (Yes, buidl.)

The Crypto and the NFT community hold the WAGMI spirit in high regard. Well, at least some of them do…WAGMI is an acronym for We Are All Going to Make It. The WAGMI spirit reverberates deep in the trenches of crypto and NFT communities. This experiment is designed specifically to test that hypothesis. Can a community come together to help someone make it? Is there a future for Human capital contracts? Can we decentralize ourselves and let the community decide for us? Will the community have the best interests in mind?

I’m here to test it out but this is not the only purpose of this experiment. It also tests its far-reaching capabilities for new ways of sponsorships, creator economies, networking, fund-raising, etc. I will detail the experiment and what it contains in the next section.

Go check out your favorite crypto charts, grab popcorn or whatever and come back.

The Experiment — Decentralized Human

The ‘Decentralized Human’ (DH)is a real-life Social and Web3 experiment to test how well the WAGMI culture is deep-rooted in the NFT and Web3 communities and if we can all practice it. The experiment will be designed in a way to test out the effects, possibilities, and limitations of human capital contracts. It will be achieved by decentralizing and tokenizing a human (myself) through the issue of NFTs. The entire decision-making of my Web3 career will be put in the hands of the community. I will explore if the community can take decentralized autonomous decisions (DAD) that will benefit me and my future in Web3. A method for ranking and weighing the DADs will also be explored in a way to reward those who vote and make decisions that shall be beneficial. One of the reasons why this experiment will be interesting is because I do not have any background in coding which seems to be a barrier for entry to the Web3 space (although contributions can be non-technical). The outcomes of this experiment will be an inspiration or a lesson for the whole Web3 community. If the experiment is successful with positive outcomes, possibilities of scaling this model for new ways of student sponsorship, fund-raising for buidlers, networking, and angel investing will be explored.

The experiment will test these hypotheses,

The access to the Decentralized Human project and its subsequent voting and governance model will take place through the sale of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

There will be a total of 333 NFTs each with its own unique art, underlying utilities. Out of which 264 are Futurists tokens and 69 belong to the Visionaries group of tokens divided into 33 Dreamers, 33 Well-wishers, and 3 Altruists.
The tokens will have the following distribution:

  • Futurists: 264 NFTs, Priced at 0.03Ξ each.
  • Dreamers: 33 NFTs, Priced at 0.3Ξ each.
  • Well-Wishers: 33 NFTs, Priced at 1Ξ each.
  • Altruists: 3 NFTs, Priced at 3Ξ each.

I do not expect the Visionary tokens to sell at all. It is a social experiment and let’s see what juju the community brings. If the Visionary tokens sell out, I will quit my full-time job and concentrate full time on Web3 and the very unique NFT collectible project that I am building on the side (do not worry, it is not an Ape derivative). I am currently doing this in my free time. If the visionary token sells, I will take the leap of faith and do it full time. You can read more about the other NFT project here.

The utilities of the token are mentioned in the table below. Utilities will be updated as we go along with the experiment. All the TBDs will be decided with the community. Remember this is a Web3 experiment — Power to the players! Among the various utilities mentioned below, the most interesting for the conclusion and success of the project is the Royalties from my Web3 work for years to come. The percentages of these royalties will be decided by the community. It is a risky move, but it is a Social experiment. If the Visionary tokens are also minted, I think it puts a strong case for a ‘Decentralized Human’ model for sponsorships for students and even funding for entrepreneurship. It opens up not only opportunities for unknown people to raise funds but also investors to bet on early talent.

Whether the NFTs are get sold or not, I will continue to transition to the Web3 space. The upcoming event is ETH Amsterdam and the Devconnect in the 2nd week of April and It would be interesting to see if there are some mints before these events. This will also help me fund the travel to Amsterdam and attend events at Devconnect. This experiment would support the alternative hypotheses if the tokens do not get sold — This is a rather incomplete conclusion since the marketing, state of the NFT, and Crypto market in general also plays a big role in whether the NFTs will be completely minted or not. I’m definitely taking it into consideration. Hence the timeline for this experiment to begin must be within the next 3 months.

The members that minted the NFTs will get access to the private Discord and DAO governance model (the model is yet to be setup). The token holder will get a say in every aspect of my future Web3 move inluding but not limited to,
a. Web2 — Web3 transition philosophy,
b. Preperation Methodology,
c. Interviews,
d. Accepting offers,
e. Networking.

The hope is to see that the community will come together to see someone make it and contribute to their success.

After the DH governance and management is in place, I will update the post and website with findings, discuss what could have been better, introspect on decisions, analyze the mistakes and build on success. It is also very interesting to me since it would give insight into human behaviors as well.

Do I believe that if the NFTs are minted successfully and if the community helps me in transitioning to Web3 and building a Career in that space, the community will MAKE it? — With the above-mentioned token utilities, I think, there are aspects of both investing and altruistic behaviors. I’m motivated to give back in a way that it makes this not only altruistic but also a good investment model with returns that are not just monetary but also considers the intangibles such as Networking and the other conclusions of the experiment.

Will I conclude that the WAGMI culture is dead if no one mints it? — It would definitely be very disappointing since people mint sh** NFTs and pay more in gas than the mint price of DH. What I would conclude remains to be seen, but I will definitely consider all the factors which affect the results of this social experiment.

If you have read this completely and if you are interested to know more. Write to me on Twitter. Will update this page with the website soon.




Life long learning, pursuit of happiness and Financial Freedom. Starting to Buidl.