6 Signs You Should Rage Against the Power of a Toxic Family

4 min readApr 6, 2018

Family is a child’s main principal of socialization and a vital part of childhood; growing up surrounded by people you can be happy around provides a sense of belonging and home — you know your position in life is certain. Family provides the support, trust, and warmth the outside world doesn’t offer.

But what happens when you waste your life sacrificing your mental and emotional health in a dishonest, abusive relationship because you’re influenced by the notion that “because they’re family”, you have to remain anxious and vulnerable? What if, instead of the warmth and belonging you should feel, a thick tension hangs between every word, and condescending judgement looms over your every decision?

According to research conducted by Dr. Sherrie Campbell, author of Loving Yourself: The Mastery of Being Your Own Person, your family members are just people and are prone to human error; if the group of individuals you call family weren’t family, you’d never choose to be close to them, simply because of their abusive treatment toward you.

How do you know when your family is toxic and you aren’t just pissed off at them?

  1. When the relationship is based on manipulating you, overtly or covertly, and any kind of harassment — mental, physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional — is…

