Fortifying DevSecOps: Security Scans in CI/CD Pipelines

Karthik Seenuvasan
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, security is non-negotiable. Integrating robust security scans into Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines has become imperative to identify vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle.

This article explores the various types of security scans crucial for a resilient CI/CD pipeline and delves into the best open-source tools available in each category.

Image from Vucan Cyber

1. The Imperative of Security Scans in CI/CD Pipelines:

The rapid pace of CI/CD pipelines demands a proactive approach to security. Integrating security scans into the pipeline helps detect and address vulnerabilities at an early stage, reducing the risk of security breaches in production. Key security scans include Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), and Dependency Scanning.

2. Types of Security Scans:

2.1 Static Application Security Testing (SAST):
SAST involves analyzing the source code or binary code without executing the program. It identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the application’s source code early in the development process.

Best Open-Source Tool:

  • Bandit: A Python SAST tool that identifies common security issues in Python code. It scans for potential vulnerabilities and provides actionable insights to developers.

2.2 Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):
DAST evaluates the application from the outside, simulating real-world attacks. It identifies vulnerabilities that may not be apparent in the source code but can be exploited during runtime.

Best Open-Source Tool:

  • OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): A widely-used DAST tool that helps find security vulnerabilities during runtime. ZAP provides automated scanners and various tools for manual testing.

2.3 Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST):
IAST combines aspects of both SAST and DAST. It analyzes the application in real-time during runtime, offering insights into vulnerabilities and potential threats while the application is running.

Best Open-Source Tool:

  • Contrast Security Community Edition: A comprehensive IAST tool that provides real-time security analysis. It identifies vulnerabilities during runtime and offers precise guidance for remediation.

2.4 Dependency Scanning:
Dependency scanning involves analyzing third-party libraries and components for known vulnerabilities. As applications often rely on external dependencies, ensuring the security of these components is crucial.

Best Open-Source Tool:

  • OWASP Dependency-Check: An excellent tool for identifying project dependencies and checking for known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities. It supports multiple programming languages and integrates seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines.

3. Integration into CI/CD Pipelines:

Integrating security scans into CI/CD pipelines ensures a continuous and automated assessment of the application’s security posture. Each type of scan plays a specific role in enhancing security, and a comprehensive approach involves incorporating multiple scans at various stages of the pipeline.

3.1 Pre-Commit Hook:
SAST tools like Bandit can be integrated as pre-commit hooks, analyzing code changes before they are committed. This ensures that vulnerabilities are identified at the earliest stage of development.

3.2 CI Stage:
DAST and IAST scans can be implemented during the CI stage, simulating attacks and providing real-time insights into potential vulnerabilities. OWASP ZAP and Contrast Security Community Edition can be integrated at this stage.

3.3 Dependency Scanning:
OWASP Dependency-Check is best integrated into the CI/CD pipeline to analyze third-party dependencies for known vulnerabilities before deployment.

4. Best Practices for Implementing Security Scans:

4.1 Regular Updates of Security Tools:
To stay ahead of emerging threats, it is crucial to regularly update the security scanning tools integrated into the CI/CD pipeline. This ensures that the scans are equipped to identify the latest vulnerabilities.

4.2 Collaboration between Development and Security Teams:
Facilitate collaboration between development and security teams to enhance the effectiveness of security scans. Establish clear communication channels for addressing and remediating identified vulnerabilities.

4.3 Continuous Monitoring:
Implement continuous monitoring of the CI/CD pipeline to detect anomalies or potential security breaches. Automated alerts can notify teams of any security issues that require immediate attention.


Integrating diverse security scans into CI/CD pipelines is paramount for ensuring the robustness of applications in an era where cyber threats are ever-evolving.

By adopting a multi-faceted approach with tools like Bandit, OWASP ZAP, Contrast Security Community Edition, and OWASP Dependency-Check, development teams can fortify their pipelines against various security vulnerabilities.

In the realm of open-source security tools, these selections represent a solid foundation for implementing effective security scans. As the landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about emerging threats and updating security practices accordingly is key to maintaining a secure and resilient CI/CD pipeline.

In essence, the proactive integration of security scans not only safeguards the application but also fosters a culture of security-first development within the organization.



Karthik Seenuvasan

Passionate Cloud DevOps Engineer. DevSecOps Evangelist | Sachin - Virat - Djokovic - Federer | Badminton - TT Playa | Music - Movies |