What is DevSecOps ?

Karthik Seenuvasan
2 min readJun 3, 2024

DevSecOps is a methodology that integrates security practices into the DevOps process, aiming to build security into every stage of the software development lifecycle. By combining development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops), DevSecOps seeks to create a culture of shared responsibility for security among developers, security teams, and operations teams.

Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

Here are some ways in which DevSecOps is helpful:

  1. Shift-Left Approach: DevSecOps promotes a “shift-left” approach to security, where security considerations are introduced early in the development process. By addressing security issues as soon as they are identified, organizations can reduce the likelihood of security vulnerabilities making their way into production.
  2. Faster Response to Security Threats: By integrating security practices into the development process, DevSecOps enables organizations to respond more quickly to security threats. Automated security testing and continuous monitoring help identify and address security issues in real time.
  3. Improved Collaboration: DevSecOps fosters collaboration between development, security, and operations teams, breaking down silos and promoting a shared understanding of security risks. This collaborative approach helps ensure that security is everyone’s responsibility, not just the concern of a dedicated security team.



Karthik Seenuvasan

Passionate Cloud DevOps Engineer. DevSecOps Evangelist | Sachin - Virat - Djokovic - Federer | Badminton - TT Playa | Music - Movies |