yesim sahin
3 min readAug 25, 2018

What is persuasive system design ?

The script of the video:

When someone lands on your website, you want to know immediately what to do next because you created your site for a reason. That could be selling your products, bring more clients to your store or tell people about your services. Taking the right action and attracting visitors’ attention through using some methods will make easier their website journey. And also, you may persuade them to stay longer in the website to buy more products. To understand the consumer needs and taking the right action for them will enable you get more traffics for your websites.

In this video, we will explore the methods used by biggest e-commerce web-sites like amazon or ebay. I will tell you about the persuasive system design model laid out by Oinas Kukkonen and Harjumaa. You can apply your website easily to attract more target customers. By using these concepts, you can strengthen a website-s appeal, improve that site’s performance and see an increase in click rates and even sales.

Our brains help us make connections between images, words, sounds and colours. That’s why, one of the factors that influence consumers is design. Website design plays a crucial role in online consumer decision making process. According to Norman Nielsen reports, the homepage of the website is a prominent factor for consumers’ satisfaction and they only decide in 10 seconds if they stay in the website or not.

Let’s move to specific design factors!

Persuasion is a psychological term which try to change people’s attitudes and behaviours. BJ Fogg who is a behaviour scientist and founder of Stanford University behaviour design lab, uses this term for computer technologies. He came with the term of captology which is the study of computers as persuasive technologies. This includes design, research, or computing products like websites. The purpose of captology is to understand how people are motivated and persuaded when interacting with computing products. These motivations also involve alteration of web sites design to persuade people to buy more products because as Fogg says, information provided by computing technology will be more persuasive if it is tailored to the individual’s needs, interests, personality and context.

Persuasive System Design Model (PSD) define to use persuasion in the web-sites in terms of design. According to model, there are four categories which are primary task support, dialogue support, credibility support and social support.

The primary task support is about the primary strategies make the main task easier for the users. For example, presenting a tailored information or recommendation to consumers and allowing consumers to track their order.

The second one is the dialogue support which is about the verbal information to consumers. For instance, offering consumers praise, rewards or reminding the products that has been chosen for the personal interests or showing the consumers’ own currency or language when they enter the website attract them more.

The third feature is the system credibility support. This aim of this category help to design a system with high credibility and also higher level of persuasion. Presenting the shipping and returning policies or always reachable customer service could be regarded as an example.

The fourth and the last category is called social support. The principles in this category aim to motivate the users by increasing the social influences of the system. The example could be customer review board doing online auction or using the authority figure.

If you want to learn more about the categories and their effects, you can click below !

yesim sahin

Media and communication, technology, design, social issues, lifestyle and so forth.