Justice Upright: A Guide to Understanding the Meaning and Symbolism

Wendy Vontes
10 min readFeb 10, 2024

Introduction: Tarot cards are a powerful tool for divination, providing insight into the past, present, and future. The Justice Upright card is one of the most iconic cards in the tarot deck. In this article, we will explore the meaning and symbolism of the Justice Upright card, providing insight into how this card can be interpreted and used in a tarot reading.

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The Basics of the Justice Upright Card

The Justice Upright card is the eleventh card in the Major Arcana, and it is associated with the zodiac sign of Libra. The card features a woman holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other, representing the balance of justice. The card symbolizes fairness, truth, and accountability, and it encourages the seeker to consider the consequences of their actions.

The Symbolism of the Sword

The sword held by the woman on the Justice Upright card represents truth and clarity. It symbolizes the need to cut through confusion and uncertainty to get to the heart of the matter. The sword also represents power and authority, reminding the seeker that they have the power to make decisions and take action in their lives.

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The Significance of the Scales

The scales held by the woman on the Justice Upright card represent balance and fairness. They remind us that every action has consequences, and that we must weigh our decisions carefully. The scales also represent the need for objectivity and impartiality, reminding us to consider all sides of a situation before making a decision.

Justice Upright in a Tarot Reading

When the Justice Upright card appears in a tarot reading, it often indicates a need for fairness and balance in the seeker’s life. It may be a sign that a decision needs to be made, and that the seeker should weigh their options carefully before taking action. The Justice Upright card can also indicate the need to take responsibility for one’s actions and to be accountable for the consequences.

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Justice Upright in Love and Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Justice Upright card can indicate the need for fairness and balance. It may be a sign that a relationship is not balanced, and that one partner is giving more than the other. The card can also indicate the need to consider the consequences of one’s actions in a relationship and to take responsibility for any harm that may have been caused.

Justice Upright in Career and Finance

In matters of career and finance, the Justice Upright card can indicate the need for fairness and balance in the workplace. It may be a sign that an unfair situation needs to be addressed, or that a decision needs to be made regarding a career or financial matter. The card can also indicate the need to take responsibility for one’s financial situation and to be accountable for any debts or obligations.

Justice Upright in Health and Well-Being

In matters of health and well-being, the Justice Upright card can indicate the need to take responsibility for one’s health and to make balanced decisions regarding one’s well-being. It may be a sign that a health issue needs to be addressed, or that a lifestyle change is necessary for optimal health. The card can also indicate the need to be accountable for one’s actions and to take responsibility for any negative health consequences.

How to Interpret Justice Upright in a Tarot Reading?

When interpreting the Justice Upright card in a tarot reading, it is important to consider the context of the reading and the other cards that appear alongside it. Here are some common interpretations of the Justice Upright:

Positive Interpretations of Justice Upright

  • Fairness and balance: The Justice Upright card represents the need for fairness and balance in all areas of life. It can indicate that a decision needs to be made, and that the seeker should consider all options before taking action.
  • Accountability: The card reminds us to take responsibility for our actions and to be accountable for the consequences. It can indicate that the seeker needs to own up to their mistakes and make amends.
  • Clarity and truth: The sword held by the woman on the card represents clarity and truth. It can indicate that the seeker needs to cut through confusion and see things clearly.

Negative Interpretations of Justice card

  • Unfairness and injustice: In some cases, the Justice card can indicate that a situation is unfair or unjust. It may be a sign that the seeker is being treated unfairly or that an unfair decision has been made.
  • Avoidance of responsibility: The card can also indicate the need for the seeker to take responsibility for their actions. In some cases, the card may indicate that the seeker is avoiding responsibility or blaming others for their problems.
  • Lack of clarity: While the Justice card represents clarity and truth, in some cases, it may indicate that the seeker is struggling to see things clearly. This may be due to confusion, bias, or other factors.

The Justice Upright and Reversed Card

The Justice card has a reversed position, which can indicate a different interpretation of the card’s meaning. In general, the reversed Justice card represents imbalance, unfairness, and dishonesty. It can indicate that the seeker is not being treated fairly, or that they are not treating others fairly. The reversed card can also indicate that the seeker is not taking responsibility for their actions, or that they are not being accountable for the consequences.

Positive Interpretations of Justice Reversed

  • Restoration of balance: In some cases, the reversed Justice card can indicate that balance needs to be restored. It may be a sign that the seeker needs to take action to correct an imbalance or to address an unfair situation.
  • Self-reflection: The card can also indicate the need for self-reflection and introspection. It may be a sign that the seeker needs to examine their own biases and assumptions, or to consider how their actions may have contributed to an unfair situation.
  • Forgiveness and mercy: The reversed Justice card can also indicate the need for forgiveness and mercy. It may be a sign that the seeker needs to show compassion and understanding, even in the face of unfairness or injustice.

Negative Interpretations of Justice Reversed

  • Unfairness and imbalance: The reversed Justice card can indicate that a situation is unfair or imbalanced. It may be a sign that the seeker is being treated unfairly, or that they are not treating others fairly.
  • Dishonesty and deceit: The card can also indicate dishonesty and deceit. It may be a sign that the seeker is not being truthful, or that others are not being truthful with them.
  • Lack of accountability: The reversed Justice card can indicate that the seeker is avoiding responsibility or not being accountable for their actions. It may be a sign that the seeker is blaming others for their problems, or that they are not taking responsibility for their mistakes.

What is Justice Upright in Tarot?

Justice Upright is a Tarot card that is part of the Major Arcana. It is typically depicted as a figure of Justice holding a sword in one hand and scales in the other. This card is associated with the concepts of balance, fairness, and truth. It encourages the individual to consider their actions and decisions carefully and to act in accordance with their moral principles. Justice Upright signifies that fairness and impartiality will prevail, and that the individual will be held accountable for their actions.

What does Justice Upright represent in a Tarot reading?

In a Tarot reading, Justice Upright represents the importance of making balanced and fair decisions. It suggests that the individual should be honest and impartial in their dealings with others and should seek to act in accordance with their own moral principles. Justice Upright can also indicate that legal matters may be at play or that the individual may need to seek legal advice or support. This card is a reminder that justice will ultimately prevail, and that honesty and integrity will be rewarded.

What are the key symbols in the Justice Upright card?

The key symbols in the Justice Upright card include the scales, sword, and figure of Justice. The scales represent balance and impartiality, while the sword symbolizes the power of justice to cut through deception and falsehood. The figure of Justice, often depicted as a woman, represents the importance of fairness and truth. Other symbols in the card may include a blindfold, which represents impartiality, or a book, which symbolizes the law and the importance of knowledge and wisdom in making just decisions.

What is the meaning of the sword in the Justice Upright card?

The sword in the Justice Upright card represents the power of justice to cut through deception and falsehood. It symbolizes the importance of truth and integrity in decision-making and encourages the individual to be honest and forthright in their dealings with others. The sword can also represent the power of the law and the importance of seeking legal advice or support when necessary. In some cases, the sword may also symbolize the need to make difficult or painful decisions in order to achieve justice or balance.

How does Justice Upright relate to legal matters in a Tarot reading?

In a Tarot reading, Justice Upright often relates to legal matters and suggests that the individual may need to seek legal advice or support. It can indicate that legal proceedings may be necessary or that the individual may need to consider their legal rights and responsibilities. Justice Upright can also suggest that the outcome of legal matters will be fair and impartial. In some cases, this card may also represent the need to act in accordance with legal principles or to seek justice through the legal system.

What is the significance of the scales in the Justice Upright card?

The scales in the Justice Upright card represent balance and impartiality. They symbolize the weighing of evidence and the careful consideration of all perspectives before making a decision. The scales also signify the importance of fairness and justice in our lives. They remind us that we must strive to be fair and just in all our dealings with others, regardless of our personal feelings or biases.

How does Justice Upright relate to fairness and balance?

Justice Upright is all about fairness and balance. It reminds us that we must always strive to be fair in our dealings with others, and that we must weigh all the evidence before making a decision. This card also reminds us that balance is essential in our lives. It encourages us to find a balance between our personal needs and the needs of others, and to strive for balance in all areas of our lives.

What is the role of personal accountability in Justice Upright?

Personal accountability is a crucial aspect of Justice Upright. This card reminds us that we are responsible for our own actions and decisions, and that we must take responsibility for the consequences of our choices. It encourages us to be honest with ourselves and to hold ourselves accountable for our mistakes. This card also reminds us that we must be willing to make amends and take steps to rectify any harm we have caused.

How does Justice Upright differ from the Justice Reversed card?

The Justice Upright card represents balance, fairness, and impartiality, while the Justice Reversed card represents injustice, bias, and unfairness. In the reversed position, the Justice card can indicate that we are being dishonest with ourselves or others, or that we are allowing our personal biases to cloud our judgment. It can also indicate that we are not taking responsibility for our actions or that we are avoiding accountability.

How can one use the message of Justice Upright in their personal life or decision making?

The message of Justice Upright can be applied to our personal lives and decision making in many ways. This card encourages us to be fair and just in all our dealings with others, to weigh all the evidence before making a decision, and to find balance in our lives. It also reminds us that we must take responsibility for our actions and be accountable for the consequences of our choices. By applying these principles to our lives, we can make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and live more fulfilling lives.


The Justice Upright card is a powerful symbol of fairness, balance, and accountability. It encourages us to consider the consequences of our actions, and to take responsibility for our decisions. Whether the card appears upright or reversed, it provides valuable insight into how we can create a more just and equitable world. By exploring the symbolism and meaning of the Justice Upright card, we can gain a deeper understanding of the role that fairness and balance play in our lives. We can also learn to recognize situations that may be unfair or imbalanced, and take action to correct them.

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