Strength Upright: Harnessing the Power Within

Wendy Vontes
8 min readFeb 10, 2024

Strength is often associated with physical prowess and the ability to overpower others. However, true strength lies in the ability to harness one’s inner power and use it to achieve goals, overcome challenges, and become a better version of oneself. In this article, we will explore the concept of strength upright and how it can help you tap into your inner potential.

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What is Strength Upright?

Strength upright refers to the concept of inner strength, where one is able to tap into their inner resources to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. It involves having a positive mindset, being resilient in the face of adversity, and having the ability to stay focused and motivated even when things get tough.

How to Develop Strength Upright?

Developing strength upright requires a conscious effort to cultivate positive habits and behaviors that help you tap into your inner strength. Here are some tips on how to develop strength upright:

  • Practice positive self-talk: Positive self-talk can help you stay motivated and focused, even when faced with challenges. It involves replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and affirming your abilities and strengths.
  • Build a support system: Surround yourself with people who encourage and support you. A strong support system can help you stay motivated and provide a source of strength and encouragement when you need it.
  • Set achievable goals: Setting achievable goals can help you build momentum and stay motivated. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate your successes along the way.
  • Embrace failure: Failure is an inevitable part of the journey towards success. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow, and use it as a stepping stone towards achieving your goals.

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The Benefits of Strength Upright

Developing strength upright can have many benefits, including:

  • Increased resilience: Strengthening your inner resources can help you become more resilient in the face of adversity.
  • Improved mental health: Cultivating a positive mindset and focusing on your strengths can help improve your mental health and overall well-being.
  • Increased motivation: Tapping into your inner strength can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals.
  • Improved relationships: Building a strong support system can help you develop stronger, more meaningful relationships with others.
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Examples of Strength Upright

Here are some examples of strength upright in action:

  • A person who has experienced a setback but is able to bounce back and continue working towards their goals.
  • A person who is able to stay positive and motivated in the face of adversity.
  • A person who is able to focus on their strengths and abilities rather than their weaknesses.

Strength Upright vs. Strength Reversed

Strength upright and strength reversed refer to the two possible interpretations of the Strength card in a tarot reading. In the upright position, the Strength card represents inner strength, courage, and self-control. In the reversed position, it can represent weakness, self-doubt, and a lack of self-control.


Strength upright is about harnessing the power within and using it to achieve your goals and overcome challenges. By cultivating positive habits, building a strong support system, and focusing on your strengths, you can develop your inner strength and become a better version of yourself. Remember, true strength comes from within, and with practice, anyone can develop strength upright.

What does the Strength Upright card represent in Tarot?

The Strength Upright card in Tarot represents inner strength, courage, and resilience. It suggests that you have the power to face and overcome any challenges with grace and determination. This card encourages you to trust your abilities and have confidence in your decisions. It also suggests that you should maintain a calm and balanced approach to your situations and use your inner strength to lead you forward. In general, the Strength Upright card represents a positive and powerful force that can help you succeed in all areas of your life.

What is the meaning of the lion in the Strength Upright card?

The lion in the Strength Upright card represents strength, courage, and power. It is often seen as a symbol of the wild and untamed aspects of our personality, which can be harnessed and directed towards positive goals. The lion is also associated with leadership and protection, and it can be interpreted as a guide or ally that can help you overcome obstacles and achieve success. In some interpretations, the lion can also represent our primal instincts or passions, which must be tamed and controlled in order to achieve inner balance and harmony.

How does the Strength Upright card relate to inner strength?

The Strength Upright card relates to inner strength by reminding us that true strength comes from within. This card suggests that we should trust our instincts and have faith in our abilities, even when facing difficult or uncertain situations. It encourages us to cultivate inner resilience and courage, and to draw on our inner resources in order to face challenges with grace and determination. In this way, the Strength Upright card can be seen as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-belief and inner strength in achieving success and happiness.

Is the Strength Upright card always positive in a Tarot reading?

While the Strength Upright card is generally considered a positive card in Tarot readings, its interpretation can vary depending on the context of the reading. In some cases, this card may indicate that you need to be more patient or gentle in your approach, and that you should focus on building inner strength rather than rushing into action. It may also suggest that you need to be more mindful of your own needs and priorities, and that you should avoid overextending yourself or taking on too many responsibilities. Ultimately, the meaning of the Strength Upright card will depend on the specific circumstances of your reading.

What are some common interpretations of the Strength Upright card in love and relationships?

In love and relationship readings, the Strength Upright card often suggests that you are in a strong and stable relationship, based on mutual respect, trust, and support. It can indicate that you and your partner have a deep emotional connection and are able to weather any challenges that come your way. Alternatively, this card may suggest that you need to cultivate more inner strength and self-confidence in order to attract or maintain a healthy relationship. It can also indicate that you need to be more patient and gentle in your approach to your partner, and to focus on building a strong foundation for your relationship based on trust and understanding.

Q: How can the Strength Upright card be applied in a career or business reading?

A: In a career or business reading, the Strength Upright card can indicate success, leadership, and the ability to overcome challenges. This card suggests that you have the inner strength and courage to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles in your career or business. It may also suggest that you have strong relationships with coworkers, clients, or partners, which can help you succeed. This card encourages you to tap into your creativity, intuition, and perseverance to achieve your desired outcomes. Additionally, it may indicate that you will receive recognition or promotion for your hard work.

Q: What are some potential challenges associated with the Strength Upright card?

A: Despite its positive connotations, the Strength Upright card can also present challenges. It may indicate that you are struggling to find the inner strength or courage to tackle a particular problem in your career or business. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are taking on too much, and you need to find balance in your workload. Additionally, this card may indicate that you are dealing with difficult people or situations, and you need to maintain your composure and stay focused to overcome them. Overall, the Strength Upright card reminds us that strength is not just about physical prowess but also involves mental, emotional, and spiritual resilience.

Q: How does the Strength Upright card differ from the Strength Reversed card?

A: The Strength Upright card and Strength Reversed card have different meanings in a tarot reading. The Strength Upright card signifies courage, inner strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles, while the Strength Reversed card may indicate weakness, fear, or a lack of self-confidence. When the Strength card appears reversed, it may suggest that you are struggling to assert yourself in your career or business or that you lack the resources or support to achieve your goals. It may also suggest that you are dealing with toxic relationships or situations that are draining your energy.

Q: Can the Strength Upright card indicate physical strength or fitness in a reading?

A: While the Strength Upright card can sometimes indicate physical strength or fitness, it is more commonly associated with inner strength, courage, and resilience. In a reading, this card often signifies the ability to overcome challenges and achieve one’s goals through mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude. However, depending on the context of the reading and the surrounding cards, the Strength Upright card can also indicate a need to focus on physical health and fitness or suggest that you have the strength and stamina to pursue athletic pursuits or physically demanding activities.

Q: What are some keywords and phrases associated with the Strength Upright card?

A: Some keywords and phrases associated with the Strength Upright card include courage, inner strength, resilience, leadership, determination, creativity, self-confidence, vitality, success, and overcoming challenges. This card often suggests that you have the fortitude to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals, either through sheer force of will or by tapping into your inner resources. Additionally, the Strength Upright card may indicate that you have strong relationships with coworkers, clients, or partners, which can help you succeed in your career or business endeavors.

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