The Chariot Upright: An Exploration of its Meaning and Interpretation in Tarot

Wendy Vontes
9 min readFeb 10, 2024


Tarot cards have long been used as a tool for divination, self-discovery, and personal growth. Each card in the deck holds a unique meaning and message, and the interpretation of the cards can vary depending on the reader’s perspective and the question asked. One of the most powerful and enigmatic cards in the tarot is The Chariot Upright. In this article, we will explore the meaning and symbolism of The Chariot Upright, and how it can be interpreted in different contexts.

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The Chariot Upright Card Description

The Chariot Upright is the seventh card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. The card depicts a figure riding a chariot, pulled by two horses, one black and one white, which represent opposing forces or energies. The charioteer holds a wand or scepter, symbolizing power and control, and wears a crown or helmet, signifying leadership and authority. The background of the card is often depicted as a landscape or cityscape, suggesting that the charioteer is on a journey or a mission.

The Chariot Upright Meaning and Interpretation

The Chariot Upright is a card of triumph, victory, and success. It represents the ability to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and assert one’s willpower and determination. The card suggests that the querent has a strong sense of purpose and direction, and is willing to take risks and make bold moves to achieve their objectives. The Chariot Upright also represents control, discipline, and focus, indicating that the querent has a clear understanding of what they want and how to get it.

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The Chariot Upright in Love and Relationships

In a love and relationship reading, The Chariot Upright suggests that the querent is in a period of growth and transformation. They may be embarking on a new phase in their romantic life or re-evaluating their current relationship. The card represents the need for balance and harmony, and the ability to navigate conflicts and challenges with grace and poise. The Chariot Upright also suggests that the querent is ready to take charge of their love life, and is willing to make bold moves to find the relationship they desire.

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The Chariot Upright in Career and Finances

In a career and finances reading, The Chariot Upright signifies success, achievement, and advancement. The card represents the ability to overcome obstacles and setbacks, and the determination to reach one’s goals. The Chariot Upright also suggests that the querent has a clear vision and strategy for their career or financial situation, and is willing to take calculated risks to achieve their objectives. The card can also indicate leadership, indicating that the querent may be in a position of authority or influence.

The Chariot Upright in Spirituality and Personal Growth

In a spirituality and personal growth reading, The Chariot Upright signifies the importance of self-mastery and inner strength. The card represents the need for discipline, focus, and determination in order to achieve one’s spiritual or personal goals. The Chariot Upright also suggests that the querent is on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and is willing to take the necessary steps to grow and evolve as a person.

Reversed Interpretation of The Chariot Card

When The Chariot Upright appears reversed in a reading, its meaning can change dramatically. The card can represent a lack of control, direction, or focus. It suggests that the querent may be feeling lost or stuck, and is struggling to assert their willpower and make progress towards their goals. The Chariot Upright reversed can also indicate inner turmoil, emotional instability, or a need for healing and self-care. In a relationship reading, the card can suggest conflicts, power struggles, or a lack of harmony between partners.

Symbolism of The Chariot Card

The symbolism of The Chariot Upright is rich and complex, and can be interpreted in many ways. The chariot itself represents the vehicle or means of transportation, and suggests that the querent is on a journey or a mission. The two horses pulling the chariot represent opposing forces or energies, such as light and dark, conscious and unconscious, or masculine and feminine. The black horse symbolizes the shadow, the unknown, or the subconscious, while the white horse represents the conscious, the rational, or the visible. The charioteer represents the self or the ego, and the wand or scepter represents power and control.

Numerology of The Chariot Card

In numerology, The Chariot Upright is associated with the number 7, which is considered a powerful and mystical number. The number 7 represents spiritual growth, intuition, introspection, and self-discovery. It is also associated with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. The number 7 can suggest that the querent is on a path of enlightenment or spiritual awakening, and that they are being guided by higher forces or divine energy.

How to Interpret The Chariot Card in a Reading?

Interpreting The Chariot Upright in a tarot reading requires careful consideration of the context, the question asked, and the other cards in the spread. When The Chariot Upright appears, it is important to ask yourself what your goals are, and what you are willing to do to achieve them. The card suggests that you have the power and the drive to succeed, but you must be disciplined, focused, and in control. The Chariot Upright also suggests that you may encounter obstacles or challenges along the way, but with perseverance and determination, you can overcome them.

What does The Chariot Upright represent in tarot?

The Chariot Upright card is one of the major arcana cards in the tarot deck, representing victory, control, and determination. It signifies a triumph over obstacles through hard work, discipline, and focus. The Chariot suggests that the querent has the power and courage to take charge of their life and steer it in the direction they desire. The card is often associated with accomplishment and achievement, implying that the querent is on the path to success and has the necessary willpower to overcome any challenges they may face.

What is the symbolism of The Chariot Upright card?

The Chariot Upright card depicts a victorious warrior riding a chariot pulled by two horses, one black and one white, representing opposing forces. The charioteer holds the reins tightly, symbolizing control and mastery over the horses and their conflicting energies. The sphinxes on the chariot represent intellect and intuition, suggesting that the querent must balance logic with intuition to achieve success. The armor and wand in the charioteer’s hand symbolize strength, power, and will. The laurel wreath on the charioteer’s head represents victory, while the stars on the canopy above symbolize divine guidance and inspiration.

What does the imagery on The Chariot Upright card convey?

The imagery on The Chariot Upright card conveys a sense of determination and control. The charioteer’s fierce expression and commanding posture suggest that he is in complete control of his surroundings and his destiny. The horses pulling the chariot represent opposing forces, and the charioteer must maintain a delicate balance between them to succeed. The canopy of stars above the chariot suggests that the querent is being guided by a higher power, while the sphinxes on the chariot imply that the querent must use both logic and intuition to achieve their goals.

How does The Chariot Upright relate to movement and progress?

The Chariot Upright is associated with movement and progress, as the chariot is a vehicle that moves forward. The card suggests that the querent has the drive and determination to make progress towards their goals. The horses on the card represent the querent’s energy and motivation, and the charioteer must steer them in the right direction. The card encourages the querent to be proactive and take control of their life, as well as to stay focused and determined to reach their destination. The Chariot Upright is a card of action, urging the querent to keep moving forward and not give up.

What kind of personality traits does The Chariot Upright represent?

The Chariot Upright represents a strong-willed, determined, and focused individual who is willing to work hard to achieve their goals. The card suggests that the querent has a competitive nature and a desire to win, as well as the courage to take risks and make bold decisions. The Chariot Upright also implies that the querent is self-disciplined and has the ability to overcome obstacles through hard work and perseverance. However, the card may also indicate a tendency towards impatience or a need to control situations, which may need to be tempered in order to achieve success.

In what context might The Chariot Upright suggest success or victory?

The Chariot Upright in a tarot reading may indicate success or victory when the seeker is facing challenges that require focus, determination, and control. This card suggests that the seeker has the willpower and confidence to overcome any obstacles in their path. The Chariot often symbolizes achievement and progress, and it may suggest that the seeker is in a good position to succeed in their goals. This card may also indicate a sense of accomplishment, as the seeker has successfully navigated a difficult situation or achieved a long-term objective.

How might The Chariot Upright indicate a need for control or balance?

The Chariot Upright in a tarot reading may suggest a need for control or balance when the seeker is facing a situation that requires them to take charge of their emotions and actions. This card often symbolizes a strong will and the ability to harness one’s energy and direct it toward a particular goal. However, it may also indicate a need to balance one’s drive and determination with a sense of inner calm and reflection. The Chariot can remind the seeker to stay focused and disciplined while also recognizing the importance of maintaining balance and equilibrium.

What is the astrological association of The Chariot Upright?

The Chariot Upright is associated with the astrological sign of Cancer. Cancer is a water sign that is often associated with emotion, intuition, and sensitivity. The Chariot represents the journey of the soul and the pursuit of personal growth and transformation. This card often suggests a deep connection to one’s inner self and the need to follow one’s instincts and intuition. Cancer is also associated with the concept of home and family, and The Chariot may indicate a need to connect with one’s roots and find a sense of emotional security.

What are some potential challenges or obstacles indicated by The Chariot Upright?

While The Chariot Upright often represents success and victory, it may also indicate potential challenges or obstacles in the seeker’s path. The Chariot suggests that the seeker may face opposition or resistance from others, and they may need to summon their willpower and determination to overcome these challenges. The seeker may also need to balance their ambition and drive with a sense of humility and patience, as The Chariot may indicate a need to wait for the right moment to take action.

How might The Chariot Upright suggest the need for determination or willpower?

The Chariot Upright often suggests the need for determination or willpower when the seeker is facing a difficult situation that requires them to stay focused and disciplined. This card may indicate that the seeker needs to take charge of their life and pursue their goals with a sense of purpose and determination. The Chariot can inspire the seeker to stay motivated and committed to their objectives, even in the face of adversity. This card may also suggest that the seeker needs to cultivate their inner strength and harness their energy in a positive and productive way.


The Chariot Upright is a powerful and enigmatic card in the tarot deck, representing triumph, victory, and success. Its symbolism and interpretation can vary depending on the context, but it always suggests that the querent has the power and the will to achieve their goals. Whether you are seeking guidance in love, career, spirituality, or personal growth, The Chariot Upright can offer valuable insights and inspiration. As you embark on your journey, remember to stay focused, disciplined, and in control, and you will succeed.

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