The Fool Upright: A Guide to Understanding the Tarot Card

Wendy Vontes
9 min readFeb 9, 2024

Tarot cards have been used for centuries to provide insight into various aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and spirituality. One of the most intriguing cards in the tarot deck is The Fool Upright. This card can represent a new beginning, innocence, and taking a leap of faith. In this guide, we will delve deeper into The Fool Upright card, exploring its meanings, interpretations, and how it can impact your life.

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The Fool Upright: Key Meanings and Symbolism

The Fool Upright card is often depicted as a young man or woman on the verge of a journey, carrying a bag on a stick over their shoulder and accompanied by a small dog. This card represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and the willingness to take risks. Some of the key meanings and symbolism associated with The Fool Upright include:

  • Innocence and naivete
  • Adventure and exploration
  • A leap of faith
  • Freedom and independence
  • Courage and confidence
  • A new journey or path in life
  • The potential for growth and development
  • The need to let go of fear and uncertainty

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The Fool Upright in Love and Relationships

When The Fool Upright appears in a love or relationship reading, it can indicate a new beginning or a fresh start. If you’re single, this card suggests that you may soon meet someone who embodies the qualities of The Fool Upright — someone who is adventurous, spontaneous, and willing to take risks. If you’re already in a relationship, The Fool Upright can indicate the need to inject some excitement and spontaneity into your partnership.

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The Fool Upright in Career and Finance

In a career or finance reading, The Fool Upright can indicate the need to take a leap of faith and pursue a new opportunity. This card suggests that you have the potential to achieve success and growth, but you may need to step outside of your comfort zone to do so. The Fool Upright can also represent a need for financial independence and the willingness to take risks to achieve it.

The Fool Upright in Spirituality

When it comes to spirituality, The Fool Upright can represent the beginning of a new spiritual journey or the need to explore different spiritual practices. This card encourages you to let go of fear and embrace the unknown, trusting that the universe will guide you on your path. The Fool Upright can also represent the need to embrace your inner child and approach spirituality with a sense of playfulness and curiosity.

The Fool Upright Reversed: What It Means

When The Fool Upright appears reversed, it can indicate a sense of fear, uncertainty, or hesitation. This card may suggest that you are holding back, afraid to take risks or make a change. Alternatively, The Fool Upright reversed can indicate recklessness, impulsivity, or a lack of planning. It’s important to remember that while The Fool Upright reversed can represent challenges or obstacles, it can also be an opportunity for growth and development.

How to Interpret The Fool Upright in a Reading

When interpreting The Fool Upright in a tarot reading, it’s important to consider the context of the reading and the other cards that appear. Some questions to ask yourself when interpreting The Fool Upright include:

  • What new opportunities or adventures are on the horizon?
  • What fears or uncertainties do I need to let go of to move forward?
  • What risks am I willing to take to achieve my goals

The Fool Upright and Personal Growth

The Fool Upright can represent a powerful opportunity for personal growth and development. This card encourages you to embrace new experiences, take risks, and approach life with a sense of adventure and spontaneity. By doing so, you can cultivate courage, confidence, and a willingness to let go of fear and uncertainty. The Fool Upright reminds us that every new journey begins with a single step, and that it’s never too late to start something new.

Tips for Working with The Fool Upright

If you’re drawn to The Fool Upright or want to work with this card more intentionally, there are a few tips you can keep in mind:

  1. Embrace your inner child: The Fool Upright encourages us to approach life with a sense of playfulness and curiosity. Try to tap into your childlike sense of wonder and adventure as you explore new experiences and take risks.
  2. Let go of fear: Fear can hold us back from pursuing our dreams and living life to the fullest. The Fool Upright encourages us to let go of fear and approach new challenges with courage and confidence.
  3. Take risks: The Fool Upright reminds us that sometimes the greatest rewards come from taking risks. While it’s important to be responsible and make informed decisions, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.
  4. Trust the journey: The Fool Upright represents the beginning of a new journey or chapter in your life. Trust that the universe will guide you on your path, even if it’s uncertain or unfamiliar.


The Fool Upright is a powerful and multifaceted tarot card that can represent new beginnings, adventure, and the willingness to take risks. Whether you’re seeking guidance in your love life, career, spirituality, or personal growth, The Fool Upright can offer valuable insights and encouragement. By embracing the qualities of The Fool Upright — courage, spontaneity, and a willingness to let go of fear — you can cultivate a sense of adventure and approach life with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and joy.


What does The Fool Upright represent in a tarot reading?

The Fool card in the upright position is often seen as a symbol of new beginnings, innocence, and spontaneity. It signifies taking a leap of faith, trusting in oneself, and embracing the unknown. The Fool Upright can also indicate being carefree, unburdened by worries or anxieties, and having a child-like curiosity for life. It represents the start of a journey or adventure, with the potential for unlimited possibilities and growth. In a tarot reading, The Fool Upright encourages the seeker to embrace their inner wisdom and intuition, and to take risks with a sense of joy and enthusiasm.

What is the symbolism behind The Fool card?

The Fool card in tarot is represented by a young man or sometimes a jester, carrying a small bag and a white rose, gazing upwards towards the sky with a carefree expression. The white dog at his feet represents loyalty and protection, while the cliff he stands on symbolizes the unknown journey he is about to embark on. The Fool card is associated with the element of Air, which is connected to the mind, intellect, and communication. The symbolism behind The Fool card encourages the seeker to trust their intuition and take risks, with the understanding that failure is part of the learning process, and that the journey is often more important than the destination.

What does it mean to draw The Fool card in a tarot reading?

Drawing The Fool card in a tarot reading often signifies new beginnings, fresh starts, and taking a leap of faith. It represents the potential for unlimited possibilities and growth, and encourages the seeker to be open to new experiences and opportunities. Drawing The Fool card can also suggest being spontaneous, carefree, and unburdened by worries or anxieties. However, it’s important to note that The Fool card can also indicate naivety or recklessness if the seeker fails to heed warnings or consider potential consequences.

How can The Fool card be interpreted in a love and relationship reading?

In a love and relationship reading, The Fool card can suggest the seeker is ready to take a risk and open themselves up to new romantic experiences. It can indicate a fresh start, a new relationship, or the potential for growth in an existing relationship. The Fool card can also suggest the need to let go of past hurts or fears, and to approach love and relationships with an open mind and heart. However, it’s important to consider the other cards in the reading, as The Fool card can also suggest the need to be cautious and to avoid rushing into a new relationship without considering potential risks or consequences.

What are the key themes associated with The Fool card?

The key themes associated with The Fool card in tarot include new beginnings, fresh starts, taking a leap of faith, being spontaneous, embracing the unknown, trusting one’s intuition, and unlimited possibilities. The Fool card also represents innocence, naivety, and the need to learn from mistakes. It encourages the seeker to approach life with a sense of joy and curiosity, and to let go of worries or anxieties that may be holding them back. The Fool card is often seen as the start of a journey or adventure, with the potential for growth, learning, and self-discovery.

What kind of personality traits are associated with The Fool card?

The Fool card is often associated with personality traits such as spontaneity, curiosity, and a childlike sense of wonder. The Fool is depicted as carefree and unburdened, representing a willingness to take risks and embrace new experiences without fear. The card can also suggest a sense of naivety or innocence, which can be either endearing or foolhardy depending on the situation. In a tarot reading, The Fool can indicate a need to let go of fears or doubts and approach life with an open mind and heart.

What role does The Fool card play in a tarot spread?

The Fool card often serves as the first card in a tarot spread, representing the beginning of a journey or a new chapter in life. It can also indicate a need to take a leap of faith or to embrace the unknown. Depending on the context of the reading, The Fool can suggest a sense of adventure or recklessness, and may be interpreted differently depending on the other cards in the spread. Overall, The Fool card invites the querent to take a bold step forward with courage and optimism.

How does The Fool card relate to new beginnings and fresh starts?

The Fool card is strongly associated with new beginnings and fresh starts, as it represents the first step on a new journey. The Fool’s carefree and unburdened demeanor suggests a willingness to leave the past behind and embrace the unknown, which is a crucial aspect of any new beginning. In a tarot reading, The Fool can offer encouragement to move forward with confidence and a sense of adventure, even in the face of uncertainty or fear.

What advice can The Fool card offer in a career reading?

In a career reading, The Fool card can suggest a need to take a risk or explore a new opportunity. The card may indicate that the querent has been feeling stuck or stagnant in their current career path, and that it’s time to shake things up and try something new. The Fool’s sense of adventure and willingness to take risks can be an inspiration to the querent, encouraging them to step outside of their comfort zone and pursue their passions.

What potential challenges may arise when The Fool card appears in a tarot reading?

While The Fool card can be an exciting and inspiring presence in a tarot reading, it can also present some potential challenges. The card’s sense of recklessness or naivety can indicate a need to be cautious and thoughtful before taking action. The querent may need to balance their sense of adventure and enthusiasm with a more grounded approach to decision-making. Additionally, The Fool may also suggest a need to let go of fears or doubts that may be holding the querent back from taking the necessary risks to move forward.

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