Two of Swords Upright

Wendy Vontes
4 min readFeb 20, 2024

Two of Swords Upright in a Tarot reading typically indicates that you are facing an extremely challenging decision, which will likely cause considerable stress as the outcome may not be predictable.

It could also indicate you are involved in a work conflict. This could manifest itself as being pressured into siding with one colleague over another, despite your desire to remain objective.

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Two of Swords Upright As Feelings

When the Two of Swords Upright appears in your tarot reading, it suggests that there is conflict between two equal and opposing forces. This situation may have been initiated by someone in your life and will take some time before its source can be resolved.

The Two of Swords Upright can signify that you are uncertain about a decision you are making. This could especially be true if you are single or beginning a new relationship.

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The Two of Swords Upright urges you to exercise caution when making decisions and do so with a clear mind. Doing this will prevent unnecessary turmoil and stagnation in your life.

Two of Swords Upright in Love & Relationships

Two Swords Upright in a Love Tarot Reading can indicate that your relationship is at an impasse or stalemate. This could be because you and your significant other are frequently disagreeing, or cannot reach consensus on major decisions for the relationship.

This card reversed can indicate that you are trying to avoid making a major decision or feeling overwhelmed and confused by others’ demands. You might also experience this as though someone is blindfolding you and concealing the truth from you.

It’s time to confront this issue head-on and address it directly. Otherwise, the problem will continue to fester and recur. This could lead to unnecessary drama that has no place in your life.

Two of Swords Upright in Money & Career

If the Two of Swords appears upright in a money and career reading, it could indicate that you are struggling to strike a balance between your wants and needs. You may feel compelled to spend too much on unnecessary items while saving for the future.

The card cautions against taking on too many tasks at once, which could lead to the loss of one responsibility later. Instead, prioritize what matters most and strive for balance among different responsibilities.

A Two of Swords in reverse suggests you are stuck in a workplace conflict where neither you nor your adversary is making any progress. To find an amicable resolution that benefits all parties involved, take off the blindfold and look at things from another angle.

Two of Swords Upright in Health

Two swords upright appearing in a health reading indicates that you are having difficulty managing your emotions and thoughts. This could be detrimental to both mental and physical wellbeing, so finding ways to bring more balance into your life is necessary for optimal wellbeing.

These feelings may remain unexpressed and cause resentment, anxiety or depression. To improve both mental and physical wellbeing, these negative emotions must be released.

This card may indicate that you are struggling financially and it is taking you a while to realize what needs doing. The longer you put off dealing with this, the longer it will continue to become an issue; thus, make sure you approach this matter logically and with clarity.

Conclusion on Two of Swords Upright

Two swords displayed upright suggest that you are faced with a difficult decision between two options. You may not be able to discern which route is best for you, or lack information which would enable an informed choice.

This can be indicative of confusion or mental turmoil. It’s essential to take time and consider all options before making a decision that could potentially have long-term repercussions.

This card may indicate that you are neglecting a major problem in your life and failing to address it head-on. If left unchecked, this situation will only deteriorate until it reaches its worst possible outcome: disaster.

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