Understanding the Significance of Temperance Upright in Tarot Readings

Wendy Vontes
8 min readFeb 10, 2024

Tarot reading is an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries. It is a form of divination that involves the use of a deck of tarot cards to gain insights and guidance on various aspects of life, including love, career, and spiritual growth. Each tarot card has its own unique meaning, symbolism, and interpretation. One of the most significant cards in a tarot deck is the Temperance Upright card. In this article, we will delve into the meaning and significance of the Temperance Upright card in tarot readings.

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Understanding the Temperance Upright Card:

The Temperance Upright card is the fourteenth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck. It depicts an angel or a figure with wings, pouring water from one cup to another, symbolizing the harmonious blending of different elements. The angel has one foot on the ground and another in the water, representing the balance between the material and spiritual worlds. This card signifies the importance of moderation, balance, and patience in all aspects of life.

Symbolism of the Temperance Upright Card:

The Temperance Upright card is a powerful symbol of balance and harmony. It represents the need to find a balance between opposing forces, such as work and play, action and inaction, and the material and spiritual worlds. The figure on the card is often interpreted as an angel, symbolizing the presence of divine guidance in our lives. The cups represent the balance between emotions, intellect, and intuition, while the water symbolizes the flow of energy and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance.

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The Meaning of the Temperance Upright Card in a Tarot Reading:

The Temperance Upright card has a variety of meanings in a tarot reading, depending on the context and other cards in the spread. Generally, this card represents balance, harmony, and moderation. It may suggest that the querent needs to find a balance in their life, whether it is between work and play, or between their personal and professional life. It can also indicate the need for patience and moderation in their actions, instead of rushing into things impulsively. In a relationship reading, the Temperance Upright card can indicate the need for balance and compromise in the relationship.

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How to Interpret the Temperance Upright Card?

Interpreting the Temperance Upright card requires an understanding of its symbolism and context in the reading. When this card appears in a reading, it is essential to consider the other cards in the spread and the question being asked. If the card appears in a position that represents the past, it may suggest that the querent has already found a balance in their life, while appearing in a position that represents the future may indicate the need for finding balance in the future.

Reversed Temperance Card:

When the Temperance card appears reversed in a reading, it may suggest that the querent is struggling to find balance and harmony in their life. They may be overindulging in one area of their life, such as work or relationships, and neglecting other areas. It may also indicate impatience, impulsivity, or lack of self-control. In a relationship reading, the reversed Temperance card may suggest an imbalance in the relationship, with one partner dominating the other.

What is Temperance Upright in tarot?

Temperance Upright is a tarot card that belongs to the Major Arcana. It typically features an angel pouring water from one cup to another, representing the blending of two opposing elements to create balance and harmony. When drawn upright in a tarot reading, this card symbolizes moderation, patience, and self-control. It suggests the need to find a middle ground and avoid extremes in order to achieve a sense of inner peace and contentment.

What does Temperance Upright represent in a tarot reading?

In a tarot reading, Temperance Upright represents the need for balance, harmony, and moderation. It suggests that you may be facing a situation that requires you to find a middle ground, avoid extremes, and exercise patience and self-control. It may also indicate the need to blend opposing forces or energies, such as work and play, or head and heart, to achieve a state of equilibrium. Overall, the card suggests that by finding balance and harmony in your life, you can achieve a sense of inner peace and contentment.

What are the key symbols in the Temperance Upright card?

The key symbols in the Temperance Upright card include the angel, which represents divine guidance and spiritual growth, as well as the cups that the angel is pouring from and into, which symbolize the blending of opposing elements to create balance and harmony. The mountains in the background represent stability and strength, while the water symbolizes emotions and the unconscious mind. The sun represents clarity and enlightenment, while the wings of the angel represent freedom and spiritual ascension.

What is the meaning of the angel in Temperance Upright?

The angel in the Temperance Upright card represents divine guidance and spiritual growth. The angel is shown pouring water from one cup to another, symbolizing the need to blend opposing forces to create balance and harmony. This suggests that by seeking divine guidance and tapping into your spiritual side, you can find the inner peace and contentment you seek. The angel’s wings also represent freedom and spiritual ascension, suggesting that by following your spiritual path, you can achieve greater spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

How does Temperance Upright relate to balance and moderation?

Temperance Upright is all about balance and moderation. The card suggests that by finding a middle ground and avoiding extremes, you can achieve a state of equilibrium in your life. This may involve balancing work and play, or head and heart, in order to find a sense of inner peace and contentment. The card also suggests the need for moderation, urging you to avoid excess and exercise self-control. By finding balance and moderation in your life, you can achieve a greater sense of harmony and fulfillment.

What does Temperance Upright indicate about spiritual growth?

Temperance Upright is a tarot card that represents balance, moderation, and spiritual growth. When this card appears in a reading, it suggests that the querent is on the right path towards spiritual enlightenment. The card encourages the querent to maintain a balance between their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs to achieve harmony and inner peace. Temperance Upright is a reminder to stay patient, calm, and grounded in the face of challenges, as these obstacles are opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation.

What is the significance of the cups in Temperance Upright?

In Temperance Upright, the cups symbolize emotional balance and harmony. The card shows an angel pouring water from one cup to another, which represents the process of blending and balancing opposing forces to create a harmonious whole. The cups also represent the intuitive and emotional aspects of the querent’s life, reminding them to listen to their inner voice and honor their feelings. The card encourages the querent to find a balance between their emotions and their rational mind, allowing them to make decisions from a place of inner harmony and alignment.

How does Temperance Upright relate to self-control and discipline?

Temperance Upright represents the virtues of self-control and discipline. The card reminds the querent to exercise moderation in all aspects of their life, avoiding excesses and extremes. It suggests that the querent needs to find a balance between their desires and their responsibilities, and to be mindful of their actions and their impact on others. Temperance Upright encourages the querent to cultivate a sense of inner discipline, allowing them to stay focused and motivated in the pursuit of their goals.

What does Temperance Upright suggest about the need for patience and timing?

Temperance Upright emphasizes the importance of patience and timing in the querent’s life. The card suggests that the querent needs to be patient and wait for the right time to act or make a decision. It advises against rushing into things or trying to force outcomes, as this can lead to disappointment and frustration. Temperance Upright encourages the querent to trust in the natural flow of life and to have faith that things will unfold as they are meant to. The card reminds the querent that sometimes the greatest progress is made by taking small, incremental steps towards their goals.

How can Temperance Upright be interpreted in a love or relationship reading?

In a love or relationship reading, Temperance Upright suggests that the querent needs to find balance and harmony in their relationship. The card advises against being too controlling or too passive, and instead encourages the querent to communicate openly and honestly with their partner. It suggests that the querent needs to find a balance between their own needs and desires and the needs of their partner, and to be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. Temperance Upright also reminds the querent to be patient and to trust in the timing of the relationship, as love and intimacy can often take time to develop and deepen.


The Temperance Upright card is a powerful symbol of balance and harmony in tarot readings. It represents the need for moderation, patience, and finding a balance in all aspects of life. When this card appears in a reading, it suggests that the querent needs to focus on finding balance in their life, whether it is between work and play, or between the material and spiritual worlds. The symbolism and interpretation of the card may vary based on the context and position in the reading, but its significance in promoting balance and harmony in life remains the same. The Temperance Upright card is a reminder to trust in the guidance of the divine and to maintain a healthy balance in all areas of life.

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