yogita hardikar
11 min readMar 1, 2020


“Kabil Bano!! Kamiyabi Jhak Marke Tumhare Piche Aayegi” (Aamir Khan Image from 3 Idiots)


Yes, you are hearing me right enhancing yourself as a person. He doesn’t only teach Digital Marketing but also gives guidance regarding setting goals, creating your value or individuality, communication, maintaining relations with people & overall marketing which are lifelong lessons that we can use anywhere. He also explains how all these things are related to Digital Marketing.

Start of the journey towards digital marketing (Image courtesy: Freepik)

A first step towards ‘Digital Marketing’

About me

As this is my first article let me introduce myself. I am Yogita Hardikar. I am a 24-year-old girl who loves to find positivity & happiness in small things, connect with different people & to learn new things. I am passionate about dancing, acting, art, creativity & learning new things. I am dedicated to whatever I do. I believe that we are the students for whole life & age is not the barrier. We should always keep learning new things, keep growing and keep improving ourselves.

About professional life, I am a B.M.M. graduate in advertising. I have 3 years of experience in the advertising field. Before, I was working with an advertising agency in the marketing field for a year. Along with my job, I have involved myself in learning graphics & Web designing, photography, film making & much stuff. I was always interested in creative stuff from starting but as I was fresher at that time I didn’t get an opportunity in the creative field.

Here, I got introduced to ‘Marketing’

I got an opportunity in the marketing field where I was not interested before but my job made me think differently. Because wherever you go you just need marketing everywhere. I became a girl who can talk to anybody efficiently from a girl who was afraid of talking in front of anyone. So, I learned a lot about marketing there. But there are some things which you are good at & there are some things which give peace to your soul. I wanted to get into a creative field & also wanted to be my own boss then I decided to quit & start something on my own.

The ‘Turning Point’

After quitting my job, I started my own firm ‘Angelica Creations’ which includes services such as corporate branding, advertising campaigns, photography, videography, ad films, and short films. So basically, I work on the branding of start-ups or developing stage brands. I love to work on brands mainly in the conceptual part.

That time ‘Digital Marketing’ was just a trending thing on the internet. My clients were also asking me about Digital Marketing as it has become a need of an hour. Today ‘Digital Marketing’ has become the biggest medium to reach & connect to the audience more than the mediums like print, radio or TV, etc. So, I got attracted to it. I thought it will help me to expand my business. I also thought that I will also get into video making & blogging after learning this.

I was short of funds for taking expensive courses so, I tried some free workshops. Then I tried small paid workshops. I was getting their Marketing Idea a little bit. But I was having a lot of doubts about technical things & their automation process. Then previously I attended a free workshop from ‘DigitalDeepak’ also. So I used to get emails from him. Then he introduced this ‘Digital Marketing Internship Program’ which sounded interesting to me. It is a paid internship but you get the money back when you complete your assignments. If you come to the top students then they give a bonus amount also. What could be the better thing than learn & earn! I loved the idea but was afraid of online frauds happening every day. I searched for ‘DigitalDeepak’ first as I was not knowing much about him. I got to know that he has a good name in this field. I saw TEDx speech of him. I read good reviews from his first batch. Then I got convinced & finally took this program & after attending his first webinar I got relief.

Now I can surely tell everyone to join the course without having any fear. This article is my first assignment for the ‘Digital Marketing Internship Program’.

Deepak Kanakraju: DigitalDeepak (Graphics made by Yogita Hardikar)

The First Day of ‘Digital Marketing Internship Program’ with DigitalDeepak

Firstly thanks to ‘DigitalDeepak’ for this Digital Marketing Internship Program.

The webinar was scheduled for 25th February 2020 at 9 pm. I was excited as well as nervous & the webinar started…

In this webinar, he has covered about few facts about market & economics to explain the scope of Digital Marketing. He has explained the importance of market research & choosing a niche for targeting the right customers. He has also explained about the importance of communication & integrated Digital Marketing for maintaining relationships with customers/clients. One more important thing he talked about is the benefits or impact of personal branding & his funnel strategy.

I am going to explain each topic he explained in the webinar in my words.

7 Golden Lessons taught by Deepak Sir :

1) Do not hesitate to communicate your thoughts outside the world.

He focuses on individuality & creating your value by communicating your thoughts & opinions with the outside world.

2) All is well if you sell, sell, and sell.

Selling skills are important when it comes to any product/service. You need to learn the selling of your products first. If you can sell the product/service then all goes well.

3) Golden Triangle: Learn, Do & Teach.

The golden triangle is “Learn, Do & Teach” which is the formula of getting an expert in anything. He believes that when we learn & do it then we understand it.

- (Graphics made by Yogita Hardikar)

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”

- Albert Einstein

According to him, whenever we teach we get to learn more & cycle gets continued. I also strongly agree with this. I have applied this in my real life many times & it works well.

4) Decide Goals

One thing I liked about him that he asked us to decide & write goals about what do we want to achieve from this course which will give direction & clarity to our mind.

5) We need to be “BEST MARKETER” first to be the “BEST DIGITAL MARKETER”.

Digital Marketing is more about ‘MARKETING’. Marketing has been there for a long time & will remain for a long time. Digital Marketing brought a lot of technicalities to get ease in marketing. Today ‘Digital Marketing’ is there but tomorrow another communication medium will be there. Communication mediums will keep changing but whenever you learn about marketing & psychology that is going to have a long shelf life.

6) Why choose Digital Marketing?

First, we need to find the gold that is wealth which we think is not available out there. But it is out there. Then he explained about an expanding market & economy to make us understand that niches are available, wealth is available & we don’t need to afraid of future problems such as what if a new medium will get invented or what if bankruptcy will come.

I. An Expanding Market

Every product/ service starts with one problem. Every problem needs a solution. That solution becomes a product or service. Those solutions again create new needs or new problems that need new solutions. In this way, the market keeps expanding. So we have a lot of scopes to create a different niche for ourselves as it is the very first thing to do when we are getting into Digital Marketing. You are better remembered when you go narrow in your niche and become no 1 in that niche because no 1 is always remembered. For example, Neil Armstrong: 1st person who went on the moon. We always remember the first person who achieved something in any one particular category.

II. Global Economics & Market

Well, I surely expected marketing but not economics in this lecture. But it was a great explanation about how the economy affects the market. He explained that how the economy goes up with the average age people’s spending goes up & vice versa. People’s spending is depended on their age as needs are more for average age & less for older age. He also explained how debt creates money & when people are repaying it then it creates deflation of money supply. So, people will always pay money for the value even if they require being in debt. He also proved that by taking a poll between us that 68% of people were in debt in some or the other way. In a recession, strong companies always survive & weak one fails. So basically we have to create our value in the market with low & required expenses so whenever a recession will come then competitions will fail & we will be the ones who will come out & survive.

III. Never dying ‘Marketing’

Digital Marketing = Marketing + Technology. Digital Marketing is just a simple way to do Marketing.

· Digital Marketing will never die because marketing will never die.

· As new products/services come into the market they also need new ways to market. This is the basic need of the business.

All this suggests that while choosing Digital Marketing as a career we don’t need to afraid of future technologies, recession or choosing a niche. All these problems will not be going to affect us.

7) 5 Important factors for Digital Marketing

1. Communication

Communication is the key factor everywhere in your life. Be it personal relations, be it professional relations or be it social image. Everyone has their knowledge, thoughts & opinions. But expressing it in a manner that a person in front of you will understand & get convince with you is effective communication which is needed for your marketing skills.

Tips by Deepak Sir to improve your communication skills

· Read a lot (at least 30 minutes a day)

· Listen to podcasts (at least 30 minutes a day)

· Write a lot, the more you write, the better you can write. ( 500 words a day)

· Watch English Sitcoms

· Watch stand-up comedy shows to learn culture & local slangs

2. Integrated Digital Marketing

“Kabhi kabhi lagta hai APNA CONTENT hich BHAGWAN hai”

Content is the “GOD”. Following is the chart of Integrated Digital Marketing. Where content plays an important role. It gives awareness about you, your product/ services & builds a relationship with your customer. It all starts with content.

Integrated Marketing Communication (Graphics made by Yogita Hardikar)

If you directly go for selling & converting people for your product/service after using traffic from paid advertising then you won’t build a relationship with a client then the client will not be able to trust you or will not be able to buy from you. So you have to start from content marketing. When you publish content on the blog then the search engine will discover the traffic & will send traffic back to you. When you share the content on social media then it will send the traffic back to you. When you have traffic from SEO & Social Media then you will be having email list from which you can do email marketing & you can also drive traffic from email marketing to you. Paid advertising will help you to build traffic for the content marketing & email list. When we have good email marketing & content marketing then we have to go to sell & convert the traffic as it helps to build a relationship with the client before.

3. Choosing a Niche

The niche should be the combination of your passion, talent & market opportunity.

-(Graphics made by Yogita Hardikar)

· We should choose a niche where we can help & also will enjoy working on it. But we should also choose the niche which will be a mutual subject with market demand.

· Three major niches are Health, Money & Relationships. Each niche has a sub-niche.

Tips by Deepak Sir for choosing a niche according to market demand:

· Search keywords from Google ad words,

· answerthepublic.com, keywordtool.io

· Look for amazon reviews

· Make a niche from your needs/ problems.

· Talk to customers

· Look for pre & post products/ services of other products

4. Building a Personal Brand

Deepak Sir explains about the importance of individuality & creating your original content to showcase the personality in you. He says that we should not try to fit into something just to match with other people. Everyone has a different personality. People know us for our uniqueness. We should follow ourselves, our thoughts & should create our identity without getting afraid of anyone or anything. People will love you when you are the best version of yourself. People love to listen to people, not brands.

Benefits of personal branding

· Building a personal brand will be like being yourself so it will be your style. You will feel confident & relax when you are dealing with your audience.

· You can easily close the clients, consult or train people because people are coming to you for whatever you & your thoughts are.

A Key Golden Lesson from this factor: “Be Yourself & Rock the world”

5. Funnels

Here it is something without which we can’t convert our reach into our customers/ clients. Those are funnels. Deepak Sir has explained his funnel strategy which does not only reach the audience but convert them into loyal customers. These funnels should be automated.

The overall funnel works in the following steps.

· Positioning

· Branding

· Audience Building

· Audience Engagement

· Tripwire

He says that maintaining relationships with customers does the main role in this. In this funnel, step by step we develop a relationship with our audience which builds trust amongst them. When they start trusting us then they become our customers. When they use our products/services then they become brand ambassadors. When they are happy with our products/services then they keep buying & become loyal customers.


This first day of ‘Digital Marketing’ taught me to be the better marketer first to be the better digital marketer. We should keep practicing practically for getting perfect. It also taught me that to be yourself & create your value to be successful in whatsoever it will be. That’s why I have named my article as “Kabil Bano! Kamiyabi Jhak Marke Tumhare Piche Aayegi.”

Please follow DigitalDeepak for learning more about Digital Marketing.



yogita hardikar

Hi, I am Yogita. I am here to express my thoughts, opinions, & my experiences with you.