Yiannis Ioannou
5 min readJul 19, 2017

Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and the Future you fight for it’s here!

Do you belong to these people who wanted to see big changes coming and change the world to a better place? This is one way how the world is changing, getting back to people’s hands.

Actually we are very lucky, living this big change in the world!

So, what all about it?

For sure, it will be, if not the biggest, certainly one of the biggest and most talked-innovation.

Why? Because it will change our day-to-day life not only financially, but in other ways too.

It is like we are back in the 90’s and we started talking about the internet.

After so many tests that were done over the past 5–7 years of its activity, it is the right time to for the public to join and get more involved.


(You should understand this before you continue)

A blockchain[1][2][3] — originally block chain[4][5] — is a distributed database that is used to maintain a continuously growing list of records, called blocks. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block.[6] A blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks.

Read more below:

- https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-blockchain-technology/

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain

Blockchain started mainly because of Bitcoin (the digital currency everyone talks about).

Its concept (BLOCKCHAIN) can be used for financial transactions or other transaction that have a value.

As we speak, there are blockchains systems build for many industries, like insurance, property, business, bank and many more.

Each Coin, represents something else:

Most are for payments, peer-to-peer payments, gaming, computers, social media and many more.

There are over 700 cryptocurrencies available mostly as coins, and other as tokens.

Around 500 of them you be used for trading through trading platforms like stocks and many more.

How should and How can I invest in Cryptocurrencies?


- https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/

I could make a list of the TOP 5 or the Top 10, but I will not, as each currency has its own potential and therefore you should read each one of them separately.

Information of each one, is free and available to the public.

Criteria to choose which one:

1) What is it for?

The purpose that was build for:

Is it for payments, gaming, social media, legalities, insurance?

2) Who is behind it?

Team with experience in the industry? Advisors and e.t.c?

3) Build on what concept?

Do they have network to support it? What do they do to grow the network?

(because the more it is used the more its value will grow)

4) How many competitors are out there and who are they?

Check their competitors on what they were build for, for example for payments there many out there, 3–4 will be really strong, others will not make it that much.

5) What your god feeling tells you?

For example Ripple (coin), looks to meet all the above criteria, but still the price hasn’t gone up where it should be. So why is this? I do believe it will eventually go up, matter of time.

Coins that are the foundation to all the other coins.


- https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27193/bitcoin

- http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-explained-five-year-old/


- https://www.ethereum.org

- http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ethereum.asp


- https://medium.com/the-intrepid-review/how-does-the-blockchain-work-for-dummies-explained-simply-9f94d386e093

Buying Vs Mining

What’s Mining first of all

Yes, you are right. It is what you see in the picture above.

Have you ever said or heard the phrase,

“One day, computers will do the all the shit work for us”?

Guess what? That day has arrived. No need to go and mine for gold any more.

Your computer can do this, digitally and still make you money.

It’s always more sophisticate to produce money rather than only spending them.

Yes, believe it or not, with Mining, you are the one producing the money, not your bank or Central Bank of your country.

Ideally, Mining instead of buying a digital coin is better, but of course that should be your own decision and depends a lot on your currrent position.

I don’t want to get into very technical aspects because I want you to get the overall concept first.

If you do the maths, these are the scenarios:

Mining: You will be locked into a period-contract (about 2 years) and you will earn your coins as you go along, per week or per month if you want. At the end of your contracts, in 24months, you will have 2 to 3 times your value (you can always sell earlier if you wish) if the price stays at the same level as it stands today (around $180 each coin).

So if it goes higher your will earn more, if it goes lower you will lose. (depends always on the difficulty of the level that it is, Hash power — -technical term miners use)

Vs Buying?

Unless you are a trader, or someone who will trade them immediately and can’t wait until he will earn 1–2 coins per month from mining then you should better buy the coins now and trade them.

For now, good luck with understanding the whole concept and create an overall idea.

For sure, it’s worth your time getting involved, but be a bit careful of how you do start.

Soon I will provide you more information for which Platform to use, to buy and trade if you are really interested.

If you are in hurry,

For Mining:

I have a friend who does the mining and I can connect you with him

For Buying:


To Trade:


Additional reading:

- https://www.facebook.com/cnbc/videos/10155657956539369/

- http://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-ethereum-2017-6

- https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296683

- https://nextshark.com/ben-yu-cryptocurrency-101/

Please feel free to ask or contact me and of course you can google things as well!

Yiannis Ioannou

Not an expert but an Investor in what he says. Believes in the greater future and going against the ‘System’. The world it’s a trap and it’s time we change it.