CS373 Spring 2022: Yifan Zhou

Yifan Zhou
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


What did you do this past week?

I basically worked on the project 2 in the past week, and I am still working on it right now. The project introduces the use of a lot of AWS products and CI/CD content. I linked the gitlab repo with the AWS amplitude and then tried to create a host for it. On the other hand I searched up the APIs that can be used for our project and came up with some ideas that may help sort the information and get rid of the return values from the APIs we use. The process is pretty touch and I have been using google a lot to search up materials that can help, but it feels good to actually learn something.

What’s in your way?

My teammate and I are trying to create a https protocol for the webpage, and the host says we need a server name for it. We have no experience in this before and are trying to find a solution for it. It seems we need to create a host ourselves for the webpage.

What will you do next week?

Obviously I will keep working on the project. The project requires a lot of patience and searching, so it needs a lot of time. I will keep working on it till I fully understand the material.

What did you think of Paper #6: Open-Closed Principle?

I think it is a good paper. It gives detailed examples and explains clearly what an open-closed principle is. It also notes several code that we should not try to write like RTTI. It is helpful and helps me better understand the overall structure of the code, as well as C language.

What was your experience of for in, reduce, object models, and operators? (this question will vary, week to week)

There are lots of details in the content we recently learn, and I think to master these stuff we need to look through any possible form of them.

What made you happy this week?

I ate some pho for dinner which tastes good.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I’m trying Flask for web application development and it feels really easy to use and efficient. I recommend this micro web framework to everyone. It will help a lot in project 2.

word count: 387

