World Changing Little Components
I could get a 555 microchip. When you write on the wide web about 555 microchip first you find the flip-flop circuits with LED or LEDs. I used a board for this attempt (the board is likely the board that using in Arduino projects). I wish I made my circuit by brazing and making all roads but I didn’t learn yet how to do it. Let me explain the attempt. In the beginning, my dad sent me this link. I started to try to do it. Firstly, I started collecting the components. In this circuit, I need one 1kΩ resistance, one 220kΩ resistance, two 470Ω resistance, two LEDs, one 2μ capacitor, one 555 microchip and one 9V power source. But I couldn’t find a 2μ capacitor and directly 9V power source. I used a 4.7μ capacitor and a LM7809 transistor to make 12V to 9V. I made the circuit like link-1 and link-2. The circuits are completely same the only difference is the LEDs’ colors but I didn’t care about the LEDs’ colors in this attempt.
This two picture shows how I made the circuit:
It seems a little messy because of the cables but if you’re trying it, it doesn’t seem you like messy. Let me explain a couple of things. At the right of the circuit, you can see a red LED and a resistance. I used it to check whether the circuit has voltage or not. At the left of the circuit, you can see two resistances put in the gaps vertically. I used the resistances conductivity to give the voltage from the source. I didn’t put the crocodiles from the top so the resistances that I’m talking about don’t affect the circuit. Lastly, the LM7809 transistor makes 12V to 9V. And now the explanation of the circuit. I want to start with the LM7809 transistor. It has 3 legs; in the middle one you should connect it to the negative, you should connect one to the positive and connect the last one to the power source to make it work. I made the left side of the board negative sources and the right side of the board to positive sources (The idea came from my dad). I tried to make the circuit by myself but I have some mistakes and my dad helped me to fix them. At least I put every cable at the right gaps but the circuit didn’t worked. I changed the capacitor because the old one has little legs and I thought it doesn’t connected to the circuit and I found one resistor that didn’t connected to the circuit. It didn’t worked again. When I took down the connection of the 6th to 2nd (check it at link-1) leg of the 555 microchip the circuit worked and the LEDs made the flip-flop thing. But in this situation, these models didn’t worked clearly. When I checked the wide web for other flip-flop models we were aware of something. If you look at my models’ links (link-1 and link-2) the 5th leg of the 555 microchip the models didn’t connected it to somewhere. But if you look at this model, the creator connected another capacitor to the 5th leg. I think the models that I took have faults at this point so they didn’t worked clearly. The new model has different types of resistors and different types of capacitors. I didn’t try the new one maybe I try it another time. I’ll be pondering with the 555 microchip.
The whole circuit: