How to use Octane to render rhino models?

Yi-hsien Wang
3 min readApr 25, 2018


1.Go Render>current renderer>octanerenderforrhino, and type in “octanerenderforrhino” to open the octane panel.

2.Click “Open viewport­­” to start render.

3.Open “materialeditor” panel.

4.Render view settings:


2/Sky,sun, shadows off

3/Document properties>rendered view settings>change “background color” to light grey, “edge thickness” to 1, “ambient color” to dark grey

5.Create a new material, open transparent>glass material. The IOR stands for material reflection numbers.

6.Copy a material image you need and paste it into photoshop.

7.Adjust the image and save as an image in the same folder as the rhino file.

8.Go Image>canvas size, make the canvas 4 times bigger. Dupplicate materials to fill the canvas.

9.Merge all images in one layer, and use clone stamp tool to fix the seam.

10.Create a new material and change its texture.

11.Open properties panel and adjust material direction in “texture mapping”.

12.Select one surface>box>type in proper dimension>show mapping>orinet the box to the surface>scale it to proper dimension you want.

13.Click other surface that you want to use the same material mapping and click “match mapping”.

