5 Fashion Mistakes In Singapore To Avoid

Ying Xiu
2 min readJul 2, 2023


Are you updated with the latest fashion trends in Singapore? Avoid these five mistakes first! Check out this article for more info.

When it comes to fashion in Singapore, trends come and go. What may be trendy today might be obsolete in the next few months. That’s why being fashion-conscious is crucial for the everyday fashionista.

If you’re looking to become a top-tier fashion expert, check out this list below, and avoid these fashion mistakes in Singapore!

Using ill-fitting clothes

Any fashion magazine in Singapore will tell you that wearing ill-fitting clothes is a big no! It won’t matter if your denim jeans come from a luxury brand. If it fits too loose or tight, it will not look good on you at all. Instead, wear clothes that accentuate your body size and shape.

Neglecting current fashion trends

Hipsters may disagree, but ignoring trends isn’t always the coolest thing to do. Sometimes it’s fun to wear what other people are wearing as well! Take a look at the current fashion in Singapore, and pick one that you like the most. You’ll never know if the latest pair of branded jackets from a particular top-tier brand will look good on you if you don’t try.

Wearing Too Many Accessories

Accessories exist to complement your outfit, not to become the highlight. Check any lifestyle magazine in Singapore, and they’ll likely say that using too many accessories will only make your outfit look worse.

Neglecting to take care of your clothes

Don’t forget to take care of your clothes, especially your favourite ones! Your clothes will look worn out if you fail to wash them properly from time to time. Take good care of your clothes by using quality soap or detergent when washing them, and fold them carefully, too.

Not experimenting

One fashion mistake in Singapore is to be afraid of experimenting with different types of clothes! You might miss out on the best shirt or trousers for a perfect night out with your partner or spouse. Experiment with different clothes and trends, even those outside your usual comfort zone and fashion taste, to see which ones might look perfect for you.

Dare to go outside your comfort zone and take risks! Avoid these mistakes so you can venture into the world of experimental fashion, and don’t be afraid to try something new.

If you want to learn more about the latest Korean fashion trends in Singapore, contact ELLE. You can also visit their website to discover fun facts you might not have heard of yet!

