Simple Thought About Efilism

Rachel Dan
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Efil is the reserve of life, so the word mean anti-life. Efilism is claim that the life shouldn’t exists in the world, so that no pains exist.

I’d like to put my opinion at the very beginning: although I cannot find the logical problem in the resources I find, I do not support it.

Post here is the most important resource I read about it, in the answer of CosmicFalsity: 如何看待反生命主义(Efilism)? — 知乎 (

Following is my view when I chat with my friend:

First let’s talk about whether a person’s existence is necessary. I can’t find a reason to argue with “no need” at the moment. As long as I don’t exist, all the pain that happens has nothing to do with me, and I don’t care about happiness or anything else, because I don’t exist. But we can’t make a choice when we are born, so I was forced to be born. Since I can’t replace my mother to think for myself, and I can’t truly think for my children, I can only think for myself. Imagine that I can choose whether to be born in the next life or not. I think I will still choose “ yes”. Although the pain of not being born is 0 and the happiness is also 0, this is not optimal. The optimal is that the pain is 0 and the happiness is 100. Just maximizing pain avoidance is too negative.

In terms of having a baby, I didn’t want to have a baby before, but I changed my thought many years ago. If I didn’t have children, I wouldn’t talk about the old concept of loneliness. It was mainly to make up for my past and give me something to rely on for my unhappy childhood. If I don’t have kids, I’ll be miserable as I get older. As for the child being born and suffering because of my “selfishness”, I will use everything to make her happy to make up for it.

And under the recommendation of my friend, I also watched a course:【Princeton University】Buddhism and Modern Psychology-Chinese and English subtitles_bilibili_bilibili

This course talked about “self”. It is said human beings have no “self”, we are controlled by some modulars. This opinion is similar with CosmicFalsity’s view: our existing is because gene activity. But genes don’t know why they are doing this.

So in all, they all thought life is caused by occasional activities of other entities. Our feelings are not belong to us.

I am lazy, do not want to edit my opinions again, so I just copy my view when I chatted with my friend here:

And I think this idea of ​​not wanting to suffer is really negative. In order to avoid pain, all possibilities that are not painful are also avoided. Genes control human beings, blinding us with happiness and allowing ourselves to replicate. But the problem is, just say whether you have experienced happiness. If happiness is not your own, because people have no “self”, then pain is not their own either.

Finally, I think the idea that “people have no self” is actually very interesting. When I was watching a video recently, I felt like the world was like a large program. “Gene” was a class, and her task was to copy and manipulate the “human” class to make herself more numerous. In order to make humans happy to copy it, Programmer wrote the “emotion” class, as well as “modular” classes that control our cognitive perception. As a result, there is now a bug in the program. The “human” class feels the evil of the “gene” and wants to prevent her copying. By preventing her own “copying”, she will perish together with the gadget that controls her.

In fact, for programmers like “Nature”, we are “artificial intelligence”. Now humans are always worried that our artificial intelligence will have thoughts and replace humans. However, as other people’s “artificial intelligence”, we want to be like the program. Programmers will die together, or a piece of code written by Programmers will die together.

If human beings are really the programs of advanced organisms, and our emotions, perceptions, etc. are all codes, then wouldn’t psychology and biology be like reverse engineering among hackers, or disassembly, where your machine starts to study itself and then creates His own code, will you prepare to destroy it? And then keep her A.I. for their own research.

