Part 5: What DoesHairprint’s Style Guide Look Like?

ying ye
3 min readAug 28, 2020


A new direction for a haircare brand

In this 7 part series, I aim to redesign Hairprint’s website based on research. Last week I developed 3 different mood boards to help articulate a new market opportunity. This week I will choose one visual direction to move forward in. Let’s get to it!

which direction will I choose?

Part 1 | Competitive Visual Analysis
Part 2 | Areas of Differentiation
Part 3 | The User Persona
Part 4 | The Mood boards
Part 5 | The Style Guide
Part 6 | The Responsive Redesign
Part 7 | The Design System


In my brainstorming session, I pulled out keywords that reflected the principles and values of Hairprint. Some key values I want to emulate through the design:




In my style guide design, I was inspired by a couple of UI designs and I was channeling the three values I listed above in my design process.

In terms of which mood board concept to move forward in, I decided to move forward with the second direction. I thought there was a great opportunity to utilize graphic elements to show movement and help direct information. I will tweak it a bit to adjust

Final Style Guide Direction

Tune in next week where I design the final webpage!

