Google Glass vs. Apple Watch

Yishan Yue
4 min readApr 5, 2019

Launched in 2013 and ended in 2015, the short lifespan of Google Glass seemed to prove that people are not ready for the wearable technology.

However, the same year Google Glass discontinued, Apple released its Apple Watch and we are seeing more and more people wearing it.

Compared with Google Glass, Apple Watch is not even close to revolutionary. Before Apple Watch, there were already tons of smart wristbands found success including Fitbit, misfit, Mi band….you name it.

People are having an increasingly strong pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. They are willing to spend a fortune on Yoga courses, fitness club, protein powders, and of course new tech products getting them closer to the life they want.

As the slogan promoted, Apple is not only selling a watch but a trendy lifestyle.

In the meantime, Apple has a quite good understanding of watch as a “fashion”. It’s not advertised as high-tech to scare people away, but as a daily essential instead. Everyone can see themselves wearing it.

How much does Apple Watch change our lives?

Well…the survey shows 80% of people use Apple Watch to decline a phone call. But still, more and more people are buying into the image of wearing an Apple Watch.

For Google Glass, it’s totally another story.

Prior to Google Glasses, there were no well known smart glasses product. Most of them, like Vuzix, only focused on 3D gaming, manufacturing training, and military applications. Before investigating the acceptance of “wearable” technology, a deeper question about the wearable “technology” should be asked first:

Is AR entering our daily lives yet?

Apparently not.

The impression of smart glasses for most people comes from sci-fi movies/dramas. It significantly changes the appearance of a person and instantly gives a futurist/cyberpunk look. And apparently, Google Glasses marketing team enhanced this part successfully.

You have to admit it takes some commitment to walk out wearing this.

The Explorer edition was marketed with a statement: “From mother to mountain climbers, Glass Explores are the first to make, to tinker, to create, and to help shape the future of glass.” Even though it shouts out to everyone, we all know what a mom wants to explore is totally different from mountain climbers.

The product did not give the illusion of a lifestyle that people can relate to. What if they use:

For people who have no fear for future, let’s explore something amazing together.

I would think at least it gives out the adventurous attitude for life, like rock music.

Leaning from the failure, Google Glass is currently repositioning itself, finding out where its technology can really help people. They are now focused on industrial customers, taking advantage of design development function and allowing different industrial groups to customize apps for their own Google Glass.

It takes time for revolution to happen, but it will naturally come when it’s time. I mean, dehydrated vegetables were only used for space food 50 years ago, see where they are now, every cup of instant noodle.

