Game Critique: We Become What We Behold

Critique Blog — Post 1 @Design Educational Games, Prof. Erik Harpstead, CMU

Yvette Wang
6 min readFeb 5, 2024

Game Metadata

  • Game Name: We Become What We Behold
  • Designer/Developer: Nicky Case
  • Platform: Web (Browser-based)
  • High-level Instructional Goal: To demonstrate the influence of media on public perception and social behavior
  • Link to the Game: Play here

Educational Goals

The educational goals of “We Become What We Behold” are to highlight the influence of media on public perception and social behavior, encouraging players to critically analyze how media can amplify societal divisions through selective reporting on extreme behaviors. It seeks to foster an understanding of the cyclical nature of media impact, prompting reflection on personal media consumption and its broader societal effects. Specifically, the game aims to illustrate the cyclical nature of media influence on social behavior and perception, highlighting how sensationalism and focus on extremes can perpetuate division and conflict.

We Become What We Behold” assumes minimal prior knowledge, making it accessible to a broad audience. Players only need a basic understanding of media and social interactions and basic skills in online games (E.g., moving the mouse and clicking). The game’s insights into media’s role in shaping societal perceptions can be transferred to critical thinking about news consumption, understanding media bias, and fostering media literacy. This knowledge applies to educational settings, media influence discussions, and personal reflections on information consumption habits.

Game Elements

Gameplay Loop

There is only one core gameplay loop and several small inner loops in this 5-minute game. In the core gameplay loop, players capture photos of characters displaying various behaviors, which then influence future actions and reactions within the game’s society.

In each small loop, players play as a photographer, capturing compelling scenes for the news cycle, displayed on a central community TV as news stories. Each photograph’s impact is labeled by a social-media ticker, determining its newsworthiness. Capturing noteworthy events alters character behaviors and transforms community culture, while non-newsworthy snapshots are ignored, leaving the societal status quo unchanged. For example, no societal change will happen if the player captures an ordinary person. However, if the player captures something interesting, the news will attract more people to watch and lead to some societal behavioral change.

non-newsworthy snapshot
noteworthy snapshot


The nouns of the game “We Become What We Behold” include characters, photographers, community TV, social-media ticker, conflict, violence, behaviors, and the digital world. These elements are central to the gameplay and narrative, emphasizing the game’s themes of media influence and societal dynamics.


The verbs associated with “We Become What We Behold” include capture, broadcast, display, influence, fade, and reflect. These actions are integral to the gameplay and its thematic exploration of media’s impact on society.

Player Experience

The fun part of this game is that players observe the consequences of media focus on extreme behaviors and the resulting societal divisions. Players also have infinite opportunities to try and explore the impact of capturing different scenes.

Players will first find this game easy and chill as the first two news are entertaining. However, the game soon leads players to capture moments of conflict and violence, showing how such actions lead to more intense behaviors. It concludes with a massive violent event that highlights the media’s powerful role in influencing and escalating conflicts. This pivotal moment encourages players to reflect on their contribution to the cycle of conflict, prompting a deeper consideration of the media’s impact.

Learning Mechanisms

The game employs a form of experiential learning, where players observe the direct consequences of their choices in the media spotlight. It encourages critical reflection on the role of media in shaping societal norms and behaviors. The learning mechanism aligns with the educational goal by providing an immersive experience that fosters an understanding of media’s impact on society.

Immediate Feedback

After capturing a scene, feedback is immediately provided through a news title, indicating whether the scene aligns with the game’s focus. This title reflects the player’s choice and subtly directs them toward capturing scenes depicting violence and conflicts, effectively guiding the gameplay toward exploring the themes of media influence and societal reaction.


The game meticulously curates every element — words, pictures, and sounds — ensuring they all contribute meaningfully to the gameplay and narrative. This careful selection creates a seamless and intuitive experience, guiding players smoothly through the game’s loop without any unnecessary distractions. The game’s interface is designed for coherence, making it straightforward for players to navigate and engage with the core themes and mechanics.

Guided attention

Following each cycle, the game vividly illustrates the societal changes triggered by the news — such as characters turning red or engaging in exaggerated behaviors. This design sharply focuses player attention on the consequences of media coverage, prompting a deep reflection on how these portrayed events influence societal dynamics and individual perceptions.

Overall Critique

We Become What We Behold is an interesting and enjoyable educational game that effectively demonstrates the power of media in shaping societal perceptions and behaviors. It uses simple gameplay mechanics to deliver a profound message, encouraging players to reflect on their media consumption habits and the broader.

The game cleverly incorporates educational scripts like “every story needs a conflict” and “Peace is boring, violence is viral,” underscoring how media often magnifies conflicts and may distort reality. The ending, where the game scene gradually fades, symbolically represents the world as depicted online, prompting deep reflection on media’s influence on our perceptions and beliefs. This thought-provoking conclusion resonated with me, inviting contemplation on the impact of media narratives in shaping our understanding of the world.

I highly recommend this game for those curious about media’s role in shaping social dynamics. Its straightforward yet immersive experience invites multiple playthroughs to uncover varied interactions, sparking insightful discussions. A conversation starter, it’s an excellent share among friends for engaging dialogues on media and perception.

