[Alternative history] How to destroy someone’s life by one’s most trusted person

Yoosun Ovans
5 min readJun 17, 2024


Yes, you heard it correctly. Your whole life can be destroyed not by a stranger or enemy, but your most trusted person. This method not just destroys your reputation, work, and/ or money, but your emotions which make you so devastated that it can push you to become substance abuser or even to commit suicide. And this is one of the commonly used scam in communities connected to South Korea. How do I know all these? As I mentioned in my previous series, I was born and raised in South Korea. All the people in South Korea knew that South Korea was the paradise of scammers and swindlers at least when I was living in South Korea. If you have any money, social status, or any intellect or skill sets that can be useful, you will be a perpetual target of scammers, swindlers, and any kind of parasitic abusers. Sometimes, you can be specifically targeted or other times, those swindlers and scammers throw baits all over, like simple phishing scam. It was common to say that you would be just a piece of meat, and all these flies would try to have a piece of you.

I moved abroad from South Korea long time ago, but I spotted the same “scamming pattern” in quite recent political scandal in South Korea in 2016. The President of South Korea in 2016 was Park Geun-hye who was impeached. I do not know South Korean politics very well, but I happened to hear that one of her closest entourage committed lots of financial misconducts while using her status as a trusted close entourage of the President of South Korea. When I heard about it, I was certain that Park Geun-hye was targeted to be destroyed. Here goes the behavioural pattern or manual for this scamming that I have been observing. It is quite simple.

(1) A person either publicly or personally shows support for you by informing what he/ she has heard about you from other people or by taking your side when there are oppositions.

(2) If you notice him/ her, he/ she is willing to become your ears and eyes sometimes even mouth, and starts giving all the “outside or secret world” information to you until he/ she becomes your only trusted source of the “outside or secret world” information. => You caught the bait!

(3) From this stage, he/ she will start feeding you with the information that he/ she wants you to believe. => You are under his/ her manipulation or control (spells)!

(4) If you are no longer use or start suspecting him/ her and try to get rid of him/ her, this is the stage that he/ she will “blow you up!” => He/ she will do unethical and/ or illegal acts while using your name and title. Or he/ she will expose any “dirty” things that you have done under the guidance or presence of them. =>DESTROY YOU BY BETRAYAL

The “implanted” person can be a romantic partner, personal friend, or consultant who is not directly involving your work colleagues or organisations. His/ her goal is to isolate you from other people that he/ she should become to you as only person in this world who cares about you. Thus, this operation takes time and effort to build the trust. This is colder and crueler than murder by spouses for the insurance money.

Well, think about it. The impeachment of the President Park Geun-hye started with this entourage’s huge financial misconduct. There was also a huge scandal in Canada with a Korean-Canadian lawyer in relation to a development of a fancy condominium in 2016. She let her romantic partner access the lawyer’s trust account with deposit money for the condominium development. One day, her romantic partner decided to run away with the money in the lawyer’s trust account. She has been a respected lawyer who could speak both Korean and English in Toronto, Canada. Most of long-time residents of Korean community in Toronto were shocked. The rumour had that he ran away with that money to South Korea, but I do not think that there was an update about whether the perpetrator was caught or not.

There was a similar incident in New South Wales in Australia with the former Premier Gladys Berejiklian. I did not follow this scandal closely, but I remember that this scandal involves in her romantic partner and financial misconduct. The timing of this scandal was quite perfect because it was right after she was successfully re-elected as Premier if I remember correctly. It was about her romantic partner doing wrong things behind her back, isn’t it? It caused destruction of her career and reputation as well as heart-breaking betrayal.

There was another famous one also, the murder of Selena, a rising pop singer in early 1990s in America. She was murdered by gun shot. Who was the perpetrator? It was Selena’s long-term trusted hair stylist who also handled Selena’s finance. If I remember correctly, Selena figured out her misconduct and confronted. Selena was about to fire her, and this Selena’s trusted friend murdered her. Oh, there is another famous one, Grigori Rasputin who was the only trusted person of Queen of Czar. He was considered as a mystic and blamed for controlling the Queen of Czar in Russia, which caused the murder massacre of Czar’s family in 1917 as well as Russia Revolution. Oh, there is another one, Madame de Pompadour who was the only trusted friend of Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France whose head was chopped off by guillotine in the French Revolution.

It seems like if it is not a romantic partner, usually the choice of “betraying destroyer” is the same gender as the “target to destroy”. If you are a male politician with enemy that wants you to be totally destroyed like Russian Czar, Loui the XVI, or Park Geun-hey, the President of South Korea, be aware of a male companion who approaches you with sweet tongue with gesture of being on your side. This destroyer will not be a part of your organisation or your colleagues, but trying to become your trusted eyes, ears, and mouth of the “outside” world of your organisation.

