Is it politics or is it religion? Trump Fever in the United States of America (USA) Part 5

Yoosun Ovans
9 min readJan 12, 2024


-Prediction of USA politics in 2024 –[2]

To know the timeline of the events, we need to know what kind of events are going to happen. All different types of rumors are going around the internet regarding the political situation of USA. The events that are being discussed are no election, civil war, war with other countries, and more. As a data analyst, I am going to look into the data to predict what kind of events are going to happen.

In my previous series (, I presented six datasets for my data analysis. In the 6th dataset, I talked about equinox and solstice, and different types of major political events around the world briefly. I mentioned Bolshevik revolution in October 1917 Russia, Maidan Revolution in February 2014 Ukraine, and American Civil War in April 1861 USA. Regarding political change of a nation, usually two events can be adopted, either revolution or civil war.

In the event of revolution, the exiting government is overthrown and the change into a new government can be not just about who rules the government, but also what type of the political system the nation will have. For instance, in Bolshevik revolution, the ruling authority changed from Czar (Emperor of Russia) to Bolshevik party. Also, the nation changed from an empire to a communist state. In Maidan Revolution in Ukraine, the ruling party changed, but the political system has not changed.

In the event of a civil war, a group of people do not accept the result of the election or any policies that are introduced by the existing government. Thus, they take violent actions, like war, to take over the ruling authority in the existing government or to become a separate and independent state from the existing authority. Thus, in severe political instability, not because of the conflict with other nation, but because of the conflict inside its own nation, the possible results will be either revolution or civil war. But, which one is chosen, and how and why that particular method is chosen?

I am going to answer these questions using my corporate scheme model of political instability. I use my model because I suspect that a scheme is happening in current political instability in USA, which is discussed in one of my previous series “Is it politics or is it religion? Trump Fever in the United States of America (USA) Part 3”. Thus, my data analysis is based on the assumption that current political instability in USA is a deliberate scheme.

To understand situations better with my model, I will make an assumption that all the major events of the political instability in the world are schemes. Of course, I am not claiming that all the events of political instability are deliberate schemes. I use this assumption just to develop more detailed model to find out what kind of event is going to happen.

Let’s look into the past events around the world. As I mentioned above, two types of events have occurred in the result of the political instability inside its own nation, which are revolution and civil war. In my corporate scheme model of political instability, the schemers (perpetrators) follow a step by step manual, like a standardised instruction manual. But, the method of finalising the scheme has two types of events. This shows that there are two different groups who are using the manual. In the criminal law, there is a terminology called modus operandi (MO), which describes that each criminal uses unique or preferred method, just like signatures of serial killers. If I apply the concept of MO in my corporate scheme model, there must be two different groups using two different MO. Group A (Revolution-inducers: RI) prefers or chooses a revolution to wrap up its scheme, whereas Group B (Civil war-inducers: CI) prefers or chooses a civil war.

If you look at the table above, the goal between RI and CI is different. In RI situation, the goal is to destroy the existing authority, but in CI situation, the goal is to destroy dissents. Then, when the new or oppressed gains supports, they probably want to go for a revolution for the name of justice and avenge. Whereas, when the existing ruling authority has been dominant and sudden increase of dissents, they probably want to go for a civil war. But, in my corporate scheme model, the existing ruling authority can intentionally let the dissents gain supports to destroy the current government in order to “dodge” the debt. This implies that the existing ruling authority always needs to have the existence of a group that is constantly under the oppression. Thus, CI always keeps a group that has been oppressed by CI and has been wanting to overthrow the CI. This group is RI. In CI’s ideal world, CI has the total control over the RI without RI’s knowledge. For the CI’s needs, the number and power of the RI can be increased and reduced.

If I apply the CI-RI model in current USA, the CI is Christian-based community, science and medicine, mainly white people with office work, so called white colour jobs. Whereas, the RI may be non-Christian-based community, spirituality and alternative medicine, mainly non-white people with labour work, so called blue colour jobs.

I studied quantitative methods and wanted to expand the boundary of data analysis. Thus, I went to a school that was more toward qualitative methods. Then, I heard this sentence-Quantitative methods (statistics) reduce human beings to mere objects of manipulation and calculation. I somewhat agreed to it because this was why I wanted to study qualitative methods to integrate two methods for more effective analysis. But, I had learned that the attitude toward quantitative methods by areas using qualitative methods was very different from my approach. I had also experienced the attitude toward qualitative methods by areas using quantitative methods, which was also very different from my approach.

My approach was integration of both, but their approach was opposition and segregation. Thus, I left both fields completely and started looking into issues with CI-RI approach. Then, I recently learned that qualitative group’s view follows that of Leo Strauss[1]. Additionally, I learned that a lot of “thinkers” who favours socialism and communism follow Leon Trotsky, who worked with Lenin and made the successful revolution in Russia[2]. But, after Stalin took over the Soviet Union, Trotsky was exiled and settled in Mexico. The resentment and anger by Trotsky toward the Soviet Union can be somewhat understandable though.

The RIs following Trotsky must also have resentment and anger toward the Soviet Union[3]. During the Cold War era, RIs were working with CIs and became anti-communism. They thrived until 1990s when the Soviet Union got dissolved and Russia came back. For RIs, Russia is theirs. Their Trotsky managed to bring successful revolution, yet, Stalin stole it from them. This is the point that RIs were started diverting from CIs in politics. The CIs, of course, must recognise the change in RIs and needed to have a new common enemy to keep the RIs under their control. Thus, CIs chose Arab world as a new common enemy for both CIs and RIs in September 2021. The choice of the new enemy was not random if you know more information.

As Table 2 above displays, CI is Christian-based that is highly supportive toward the State of Israel. For RI, their mental leader, Trotsky and Strauss, were Jewish. As the world already knows, Arabs and Israel are not friendly to each other. The CI hoped that making Arab world as a new enemy could persuade or tempt RIs to stay “together”. But, it seems like longing toward Russia is too great for RIs. Thus, they started “getting into” Russia. Then, Putin appeared and kicked “Oligarchies” out of Russia in early 2000s. RIs do not like Putin not just because he kicked out “Oligarchies” and took control over Russia, but also Putin has a connection to their long hate Stalin. Putin’s grandfather was a personal cook to Lenin and Stalin[4]. This shows that Putin’s grandfather was very trusted by Stalin.

RI’s hatred is not toward Russia, but toward Stalin and Stalin’s Soviet Union. If you check how much Russia have gained financially and technologically with the conflict with Ukraine, RI’s love for Russia can be understood. Well-developed businesses and factories with technologies were sold to Russian companies with extremely low price because of economic sanctions by USA. Well-established MacDonald was sold to a Russian business and rebranded[5] in May 2022. Several factories of German companies were sold to Russian businesses during the Ukraine conflict. Even South Korean motor company, Hyndai sold its factory to Russian business[6] during the conflict.

These transactions were not ordinary because due to sanction, these companies sold their businesses in Russia with very very low price. Literally, Russia just obtained several factories with technology and fast food restaurants with nearly free of charge. These companies went to Russia, built factories and businesses, hired Russian residents, and trained Russian residents until these factories and businesses were well established. Then, they were sold to Russian businesses with ridiculously low price compared to the market price.

For me, it seems like RIs are preparing to move back to Russia and take over Russia, which they consider as theirs. I suspect that except Putin and his core followers, Russia is already under control by RIs in USA and maybe Western Europe. Again, this is not fact or truth, but mere interpretation of my data analysis.

With my CI-RI model, the current conflict between Israel and Palestine can also be understood. The State of Israel is well known with science, technology, and medicine, which makes it as CI. Then, which side do you think the RI will take in this conflict? Palestine. If you expand this model, then you can make a diagram about which countries or parties are on RI side and which are on CI side. The CI-RI model also gives information regarding which timeline each CI and RI prefers for its political events.

For instance, Bolshevik revolution occurred in October 1917 Russia, which was around autumn equinox. When Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin worked together, they used the New Year in Jewish calendar, which is around autumn equinox. After the conflict between Trotsky and Stalin, the Trotsky followers (currently RI in USA and possibly in Western Europe) seem to use spring equinox for their “meaningful” political events. For instance, Maidan Revolution occurred in February 2014 Ukraine, and the invasion of Russia to Ukraine started in February 2022. But, the breaking the wall of Gaza by Hamas occurred in October 2023, which follows autumn equinox. Thus, this event could be planned by CIs.

About $780billion debt (bonds) of USA government will be matured in 2024[7]. If these bonds get renewed, USA government needs to pay much higher interests. But, due to severe political instability in USA, it may be hard to renew the bonds. Who wants to give extension of debt payments to a corporation that is experiencing severe issues? Thus, both CI and RI will try to execute their final stage of my corporate scheme model, if they actually follow my model.

As I argued above, RIs prefers spring equinox for their “meaningful” political event. Whereas, CIs prefer autumn equinox. But, there is a big issue in RIs. They do not have a person like Lenin or Trotsky. Thus, up to February 2024, it will be quite high in conflict between RI and CI. For CIs, they need to stop any emerging leader in RI before spring equinox. The CIs may even try to change their preferred timeline just to destroy the hype of RIs. On the other hand, the RIs are trying so hard to “reveal” their leader for the revolution by the time around spring equinox. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the next series.








